This virtual machine image is intended for open source offensive reconnaissance. The iso image of the kali linux NetInstall operating system is taken as a basis. Other required packages were installed manually. The image includes the following packages.
- dnsenum
- dnsmap
- dnsrecon
- nmap
- maltego
- netdiscover
- sslyze
- dmitry
- nikto
- macchanger
Additionally installed is the Argos script which includes many useful tools for open source intelligence:
- Amass
- Sublist3r
- Photon
- TheHarvester
- Instalooter
- Instaloader
- ElasticSearch-Crawler
- Eyewhitness
- Httrack
- Metagoofil
- Recon-ng
- Sherlock
- Spiderfoot
- Twint
- badKarma
- Ghost recon
- Phoneinfoga
- Maryam
- Magma osint
- Cignotrack
- DNSkron
- Dork eye
- Vaile
- TiDos-Framework
- Red_Hawk
- InfoSploit
- Recon Spider
- Investigo
- WhatsMyName
- Serenity
- Buster
- deluxe
- Evine
- Fast Google Dork Scan
- FinalRecon
- Gasmask
- Ghunt
- Gobuster
- Goca
- Goohak
- Gorecon
- Gosint
- Holehe
- Iky
- Infoga
- LazyGrandma
- Lulzbuster
- Metaforge
- Mosint
- NameChk
- Nullinux
- Nullscan
- OneForAll
- Pidrila
- ScriptnOsint
- Search4
- seosint
- SimplyEmail
- SiteBroker
- Sitedorks
- Snoop
- Social-Analyzer
- Striker
- uDork
- URLextractor
- Vault
- wayback-machine-downloader
- waybackpack
- waybackurls
- WhatBreach
- WhatsMyName
- Zen
- The metasearch image searx is present.
- R3con1z3r
- Raccoon-Scanner
- Arachnid-spider
Instructions on how to run some of the tools, as well as tools that run in docker containers, can be found in the note on the desktop.
- AutoVPN
- Anonsurf-GUI
- Google-earth
- Miro
- Gephi
- Aleph Data Desktop
- Visual Studio Code
- Dockstation
- Iridium-Browser - the panel has a set of related tabs
- Tor-Browser
- alias py = 'python'
- alias py3 = 'python3'
- alias uu = 'apt update && apt upgrade -y'
- alias apt = 'sudo apt'
- alias docker = 'sudo docker'
- alias docker-compose = 'sudo docker-compose'
- alias synaptic = 'sudo synaptic'
- Login: osint
- Password: 22
Run some tools In terminal:
zen -h
waybackurls #url
whatbreach -h
waybackpack -h
udork -h
striker @domain#
search4 -u #username
oneforall #domain# run
nullscan -H
nullinux -h
buster -e #email
fgds #domain
gasmask -h
goohah #domain
holehe -h
infoga -h
lulzbuster -s #url
mosint -e #email
namechk #username
seosint #domain
r3con1z3r -h
raccoon -h
arachnid -h
gobuster -h
gosint -h
goca -h
gospider -h
lazygrandma -h
maigret #nickname
cd ~/OsintTools/53R3N17Y
./serenity --help
cd ~/OsintTools/deluxe
python3 -h
cd ~/OsintTools/FinalRecon
python3 -h
cd ~/OsintTools/scriptnOsint
./osint -h
cd ~/OsintTools/snoop/
snoop -h
cd ~/OsintTools/sitedorks/
python3 -h
cd ~/OsintTools/URLextractor/
./extractor -H
docker pull simplysecurity/simplyemail
docker run --rm -ti simplysecurity/simplyemail -h
cd ~/OsintTools/social-analyzer
sudo docker build -t social-analyzer . && sudo docker run -p 9005:9005 -it social-analyzer
export PORT=80
docker pull searx/searx
docker run --rm -d -v ${PWD}/searx:/etc/searx -p $PORT:8080 -e BASE_URL=http://localhost:$PORT/ searx/searx
docker pull jas9reet/grawler
docker run -d -p 8080:80 jas9reet/grawler
cd ~/OsintTools/iKy
docker-compose up --build