Support two principles meanwhile
Bases on java classloader, load implement of plugin jar, and also uses convention over configuration conception.
Jar File name muse be full quality class name. When application starts, it will scan jar files under plugin directory,and instanced by reflection.
Principle 2 spi(Service Provider Interface)
Host application will instance all interface implementations by ServiceLoader#load, and plugin module resources directory must hava META-INF/services/{plugin interface full quality class name} file whose content is plugin interface implementation class full quality name
Principle | Load Time | Naming |
classloader | if needed | jar file strictly naming with full quality class name of impl |
spi | with host app | jar file is ok |
problem: when plugin app is a plugin, it can't access its own resource
see plugin-sample or plugin-apipost
support methods
data and headers
file upload
plugin download 提取码:ax63