This Python script tracks changes related to Compute Express Link (CXL) in the Linux kernel. It fetches commit messages from the Linux GitHub repository that are pertinent to CXL, specifically focusing on the drivers/cxl and drivers/dax directories. Users can specify the range of kernel versions to check, control the verbosity of the output, and decide on the output format and destination.
- Python 3.6 or higher
- Python requests library
Python Virtual Environment (Optional)
Here's a quick setup guide if you want to run the script locally:
- Install Python 3.x.
- Create a Virtual Environment. It's a good practice to use a virtual environment for Python projects to manage dependencies separately from the global Python environment. You can create a virtual environment using
Using venv
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate # On Windows use env\Scripts\activate
Using Conda
conda create --name myenv python=3.8
conda activate myenv
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Clone this repository
git clone
or download the script directly:
git clone
Command-Line Options
: Specifies the GitHub API token for authenticated requests (optional but recommended to avoid rate limits).--start-version
: Specifies the starting kernel version to track changes from.--end-version
: Specifies the ending kernel version to track changes to.--output
: Specifies the filename where the output should be written. If not provided, output is printed to the terminal.--format
: Specifies the format of the output file. Options include txt, md, json. Default is terminal output.--verbose
: When set, the script will display detailed commit messages. By default, only commit titles are shown.
Track Changes with Default Options:
./ --start-version v5.8 --end-version v5.9
Track Changes with Verbose Output:
./ --start-version v5.8 --end-version v5.9 --verbose
Track Changes and Write to a Text File:
./ --start-version v5.8 --end-version v5.9 --output changes.txt --format txt
Track Changes and Write to a Markdown File with Verbose Output:
./ --start-version v5.8 --end-version v5.9 --output --format md --verbose
Track Changes Using GitHub Token: GitHub API has a rate limit, especially for unauthenticated requests (default). For more frequent usage or large data, use authentication by adding a token in the request headers.
./ --ghtoken YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN --start-version v5.8 --end-version v5.9
Track Changes and Write to a JSON File:
./ --start-version v5.8 --end-version v5.9 --output changes.json --format json
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your improvements. See CONTRIBUTING for more information and instructions.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.