`ili is a toolbox for 2D and 3D molecular mapping in Chrome.
`ili is developed by Alexandrov Team at EMBL Heidelberg.
- Developer: Sergey Ryazanov
- Principal investigator: Theodore Alexandrov
For a demonstration, open in Google Chrome
- 2D 3dmassomics visualisation example (a photo made during the 3D-MASSOMICS project meeting with simulated spots overlaid); zoom out by using the mosue wheel to see the full image and follow instructions.
- 3D bee example (data provided by Yi Zeng from the Dorrestein Lab, UCSD); follow instructions.
There are 3 ways of running `ili in Chrome: from this website, using your http server, or as a Chrome App.
`ili takes two files:
- for 2D mapping: a PNG to be used as the background image (example), and a CSV with intensities and coordinates (example)
- for 3D mapping: a binary STL of the 3D model (example), and a CSV with intensities and coordinates (example)
Among other things, `ili can be used for
- showing molecular maps (Ctrl-up or -down in Win/Lin; Cmd-up or Cmd-down in Mac)
- searching for a molecular map by a name substring (Ctrl-f)
- adjusting visualizaiton of a map including colors, scaling, hotspot removal using quantile thresholding
- interactive visualization in 2D using mouse (zoom by wheeling, zoom into particular region by click-and-wheeling)
- interactive visualization in 3D using mouse (rotate by dragging, zoom by wheeling)
- showing the name of a spot by clicking at it
- saving the rendering as PNG by Ctrl-s (in Win/Lin) or Cmd-s (in Mac)
Please sign up to the mailing list by sending an email to [email protected]
- **Why is it called
ili in Hawaiian means skin and, among others, surface, area, or cover. - How to record videos or screencasts in `ili? Please use a third-party software, for example ScreenCastify plugin to Chrome
- **How can I cite
ili in my scientific publication?** We haven't published a paper devoted to \
ili yet, so please cite Bouslimani et al. (2015) PNAS, our publication which motivated us the create and release `ili.
This project is funded from the European Union project 3D-MASSOMICS (FP7 HEALTH program, grant agreement no. 305259).