An angular (2/4/5) plugin to display treeview
- Tree view with infinite levels
- lazy loading (load once/always)
- treeview input field with dropdown/overlay
- single-select node with radio button
- multi-select nodes with checkbox
- delete node
- add child node (freedom to create your own form to add child)
- search the tree
To install this library, run:
$ npm install sp-treeview-v2 --save
Add it in your AppModule
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
// Import SpTreeviewModule
import { SpTreeviewModule } from 'sp-treeview-v2';
declarations: [
imports: [
// Specify SpTreeviewModule as an import
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Once sp-treeview-v2 is imported, you can use its components in your Angular application:
<!-- You can now use your library component in app.component.html -->
<sp-treeview [nodes]="nodes" [config]="config" (change)="onChange($event)" (delete)="onDelete($event)" (addChild)="onAddChild($event)" (loadChildren)="onLoadChildren($event)"></sp-treeview>
<sp-treeview-dropdown [placeholder]="'placeholder'" [nodes]="nodes" [config]="config" (delete)="onDelete($event)" (addChild)="onAddChild($event)" (loadChildren)="onLoadChildren($event)" (change)="onChange($event)"></sp-treeview-dropdown>
<sp-treeview-overlay [placeholder]="'placeholder'" [nodes]="nodes" [config]="config" (delete)="onDelete($event)" (addChild)="onAddChild($event)" (loadChildren)="onLoadChildren($event)" (change)="onChange($event)"></sp-treeview-overlay>
// app.component.ts
nodes: Node[] = [];
config: new Config();
constructor() {
this.nodes = Node.toNodeArray(/*json response from service call*/);
onLoadChildren(node: Node) {
// service call to load children of node
node.loadChildren(Node.toNodeArray(/*response from service call*/));
onDelete(node: Node) {
// make service call to delete the node
// on success
node.removeMe(); // issue with removing root node refresh tree until fixed
// on failure notify user
onAddChild(node: Node) {
// create & open form to add new node
// onSubmit make a service call
// on success response
node.addChild(Node.toNodeArray([/*newly created child node*/])[0]);
// on failure response notify user
onChange(nodes: Node[]) {
// selected nodes can be saved locally and then sent on form submit or directly make the service call.
toNodeArray(any[]):Node[] {...} - this method converts simple json object to Node object
- sp-treeview/sp-treeview-dropdown/sp-treeview-overlay takes Node[] and Config as input
- change event is fired on selection change in case of radio button/checkbox selection, delete and addChild event also fire change event
- delete event is fired when a node is deleted
- addChild event is fired to create a child of node
- loadChildren event is fired everytime(loadOnce=false)/first time(loadonce=true) on click of expand/collapse button
- expand/collapse button is visible only if children is not null. If the node have children that can be loaded later then set empty array in children. A node with null value in children is treated as a leaf node.
Tree is consist of nodes, each node contains
- name: string - display text
- value: any - id or object that uniquily identifies the node
- children?: Node[]- list of child nodes (null->leaf node, []->lazy load, [node,node,...]-> expand(loadOnce=true) || lazy load(loadOnce=false))
- progress = false - shows indeterminate progress while loading children
- nodeState = new NodeState() - contains the state of node
- nodeLevelConfig = new NodeLevelConfig() - overrides the tree level config
following properties are handled internally
- parent: Node = null - holds the reference to the parent node
- config: Config - holds reference to the config object for the tree
- loadChildrenEvent: EventEmitter - holds the reference to the loadChildren event to load child nodes while searching the tree
- collapsed = true - node is expanded(false) or collapsed(true)
- disabled = false - checkbox/radio is disabled or not
- hidden = false - show/hide node
- deleteNode?: boolean - if null then use tree level config otherwise use this config
- addChild?: boolean - if null then use tree level config otherwise use this config
Config is used to show/hide template elements or change functionality
- treeLevelConfig = new TreeLevelConfig() - contains config related to treeview
- dropdownLevelConfig = new DropdownLevelConfig() - contains config related to dropdown
- loadOnce = true - load children once or always on expand/collapse
- allNode = true - show/hide all node
- select = SELECT_NONE - (SELECT_NONE/SELECT_RADIO/SELECT_CHECKBOX) what selection method to display
- deleteNode = false - show/hide delete node button
- addChild = false - show/hide add child button
- search = true - show/hide search bar
following properties are handled internally
- progress = false - show/hide search bar progress
- searchStr = '' - stores the search term
- treeview: SpTreeviewComponent - holds reference to treeview component
- loadChildrenStack = [] - keeps record of awaited loadChildren response
- height = 'auto' - hieght of the treeview in dropdown
- showDropdownDefault = false - show/hide dropdown by default
MIT © srjn45