The above code is a rock , paper and scissors game in which the game is implemented as using spring microservice.
The game has the rules, which are
1. The Rock beats the Scissors
2. The Scissors beats the Paper
3. The Paper beats the Rock
There will be two players , player 1 as user and player 2 as computer
The user will pass their move through a rest endpoint as a parameter and the only allowed values for the parameters are "Rock, Paper, and Scissors" in the microservice that has been created.
Computer will generate random move out of "Rock, Paper and Scissors"
Now, from user move and from Computer move , the winner will be generated in response and shown on the screen as ,
-> If Player wins , the output will be like :
Your Move : scissors
Computer Move : paper
Player wins [ the scissors beats the paper ]
-> If Computer wins , the output will be like :
Your Move : rock
Computer Move : paper
Computer wins [ the paper beats the rock ]
-> If both user and computer will be same move , then output will be shown as
Your Move : scissors
Computer Move : scissors
It is a tie
-> If the user enter wrong data in rest endpoint,the output will be shown as
Invalid move. Possible values: rock, paper, scissors
- Logging is implemented
- Unit test cases are implemented.
- Swagger is implemeted for the api documentation
to play game in localhost
instead of " * " , enter [" rock or paper or scissors "]
for localhost: