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Added pre-requisites, usage, troubleshooting
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Added pre-requisites, usage, troubleshooting and clean up guide
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sreesanpd authored Aug 6, 2020
1 parent 0ae25c9 commit ecdf652
Showing 1 changed file with 306 additions and 0 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -143,3 +143,309 @@ spec:
claimName: secondary-filestore-pvc

## Pre-Requisites

In a production evironment, we expect these pre-requisites are already created. If not, create it accordingly.

I use google cloud shell for running the below commands. If you are not using the cloud shell make sure that you have installed necessary tools before running these.

### Set the variables


### 1. Create VPC & Subnets

**Create VPC**

gcloud compute networks create $vpcname --subnet-mode=custom --bgp-routing-mode=regional

**Create Firewall Rules**

gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-all-access-gke --network $vpcname --allow all

**Create Subnet1 with secondary ip range for the gke pods**

gcloud compute networks subnets create $subnet1 --network=$vpcname --range= --region=europe-north1 --secondary-range=pods-$subnet1=

**Create Subnet2 with secondary ip range for the gke pods**

gcloud compute networks subnets create $subnet2 --network=$vpcname --range= --region=europe-west4 --secondary-range=pods-$subnet2=

### 2. Create Storage Bucket for filestore backup

gsutil mb -p $project -c STANDARD -l eu gs://$storagebucket

### 3. Create Primary and Secondary Filestore instances

**Create Primary Filestore Instance**

gcloud filestore instances create $primaryfilestore --project=$project --zone=europe-north1-b --tier=STANDARD --file-share=name=$primaryfileshare,capacity=1TB --network=name=$vpcname

**Create Primary Filestore Instance**

gcloud filestore instances create $secondaryfilestore --project=$project --zone=europe-west4-a --tier=STANDARD --file-share=name=$secondaryfileshare,capacity=1TB --network=name=$vpcname

### 4. Create GKE Cluster

gcloud container clusters create $gkecluster \
--region europe-north1 --node-locations europe-north1-a,europe-north1-b --enable-master-authorized-networks \
--network $vpcname \
--subnetwork $subnet1 \
--cluster-secondary-range-name pods-$subnet1 \
--services-ipv4-cidr \
--enable-private-nodes \
--enable-ip-alias \
--master-ipv4-cidr \
--num-nodes 1 \
--default-max-pods-per-node 64 \
--no-enable-basic-auth \
--no-issue-client-certificate \
--enable-master-authorized-networks \

For master-authorized-networks, replace the value with your public ip address where you will use kubectl commands.

If you are using google cloud shell, you can run the below command to get the public ip address of your cloud shell:


### 5. Create Container Registry for storing container images

Refer the document to enable container registry and authenticate to it :

### 6. Create Service Account for filestore backup & set permissions

**Create Service Account**

gcloud iam service-accounts create $serviceaccount --description="sa for filestore backup gcs storage" --display-name="filestore-backup-storage-sa"

**Set ACL for Servicve Account in filestore backup storage bucket**

gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$serviceaccount@$ gs://$storagebucket/

**Create JSON Key for the Service Account**

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/filestore-backup-storage-sa-key.json --iam-account $serviceaccount@$

**Convert the Json key to base64 encoded format for using in kubernetes secret**

base64 ~/filestore-backup-storage-sa-key.json | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\r' > ~/filestore-backup-storage-sa-key-base64.txt

This output should be used as the value for GCP_GCLOUD_AUTH in the filestore-backups-cronjob-sample.yaml

Note: Make sure that there is no newline while you copy paste this value to the yaml.

## Using the Solution

**Clone the repository to the cloud shell**

git clone

**Change Directory to repository folder**

cd google-filestore-backup-kubernetes-cronjobs

**Change Directory to Dockerfil foldere**

cd docker-resources

**Docker build and push to container registry**

docker build . -t$project/gcp-filestore-k8s-backup
docker push$project/gcp-filestore-k8s-backup

Note: Make sure that you have followed the steps to enable container registry and authenticated to it as per the step 5 in pre-requisites

**Change directory to kubernetes folder**

cd ../kubernetes-resources

**Modify the yaml with correct values as per your requirement**

Refer to GCS - Example Kubernetes Cronjob in this document

**Create the cronjob in the GKE cluster**

kubectl -f kubernetes-resources/filestore-backups-cronjob-sample.yaml

## Troubleshooting

If there is a problem with the cronjob container, you can inspect it by:

1. Add sleep timer to the container by editing google-filestore-backup-kubernetes-cronjobs/docker-resources/resources/

## Create the GCloud Authentication file if set ##
if [ ! -z "$GCP_GCLOUD_AUTH" ]
echo "$GCP_GCLOUD_AUTH" > "$HOME"/gcloud.json
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="$HOME"/gcloud.json
## backup filestore to GCS ##
DATE=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y-%T")
## rsync primary filestore to secondary filestore ##
sleep 1000

2. Build and push the container image to container repository

3. Deploy the cronjob

4. Login to the cronjob container shell by running the below command:

kubectl exec -it podname -- /bin/bash

Replace the podname with your cronjob's pod name.

5. Run the bash script manually using:

bash -x /

6. You can also check whether the filestore has been properly mounted by running the command:

df -h

7. If any problem with deploying the cronjob, run:

kubectl describe cronjob filestore-backup

## Clean Up

**Delete GKE Cluster**

gcloud container clusters delete $gkecluster --region europe-north1 --quiet

**Delete Filestore Instances**

gcloud filestore instances delete $primaryfilestore --zone europe-north1-b --quiet
gcloud filestore instances delete $secondaryfilestore --zone europe-west4-a --quiet

**Delete Storage Bucket**

gsutil rm -r gs://$storagebucket
gsutil rb -f gs://$storagebucket

**Delete Subnets**

gcloud compute networks subnets delete $subnet1 --region europe-north1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete $subnet2 --region europe-west4 --quiet

**Delete Firewall Rules**

gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-all-access-gke --quiet

**Delete VPC**

gcloud compute networks delete $vpcname --quiet

**Delete Service Account**

gcloud iam service-accounts delete $serviceaccount@$ --quiet

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