Linecounter is a simple python program to count your lines of your source code in your project
Linecounter is a small python program that helps you count the amount of lines in your source code (it works on any files)

- Python3 (inlcuding pip)
- Windows, Linux, Mac
- Linux
You can download it with yay from aur
yay -S linecounter-git
Download the src code and and run the build.bash file This will create the binary and place it in the /usr/bin folder and set the environment variable so you only need to write lctr in your terminal
- Windows Download the src code and and run the build.bat file This will create the binary and place it in the C:/User/user/Linecounter folder and create a environment varable (Linecounter) that you have to copy the value and and adding it to the path varable
Program starts by ignoring theise folders ['./.git', './src/__pycache__']
The default extentions counting are ['.py', '.c', '.java', '.cpp', '.sh', '.js', '.jsx', '.css', '.html']
- List all files with their linecounts in all files and subfolders
- Help
lctr -

Contributors names and contact info
This project is licensed under the [MIT] License - see the file for details