This is Ghost, an electron app for code quality analysis through git.
Just enter a branchname or branchtype you want to analyse and select your .git-repository.
Ghost will show all file occurrence within these branches and provide statistics for you.
If you want to search for a specific file type only, type the file extension(s) in the second textbox like this: js,jsx,json and so on.
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As mentioned above Ghost is an analysing tool for git branches. The main purpose is to identify files which are relatively often part of bugfixes. This suggests that those files should be refactored.
There are no special install instructions for windows and linux
When you first download and install Ghost a warning message will appear, telling you that the application is from an unidentified dev and therefore can't be opened.
Until we get an open source license a work around is needed to install Ghost:
Go to your settings menu and select 'security & privacy'. In the 'General' Tab a note at the bottom will tell you, that the installation has been blocked. Tap the button 'Open Anyway' to allow the installation.
To load project dependencies open the project folder in the terminal and type
$ yarn install
Starting ghost in development mode
$ yarn dev
Sometimes strange errors occur. Make sure you run and restart the app. This leads to the partial rebuilding of electron.
$ yarn install --force
Package the web content
$ yarn production
if you run into errors check if you have everything for your plattform:
Run tests
$ yarn test
If you come across a bug, please tell us in the issues tab.
Feel free to leave suggestions and feedback.