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Erioldoesdesign committed Nov 12, 2024
1 parent 084f174 commit ec68df2
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# Executive Summary
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

## Why design is needed in OSS and Internet Freedom tools /

One of the main purposes of encouraging designers to participate in OSS and Internet Freedom tool workshops and hackathons is that commonly, these OSS tools and Internet Freedom technologies don't have dedicated design support or design contributions. Hence these tools lack the kind of usability, design and interfaces that regular people expect from technology. They can have difficult to use interfaces, unusual settings, difficult technical language and non-supportive help text or error text. These are just some of the ways in which OSS and Internet Freedom technology can be 'lacking' in terms of design than other commonly used proprietary and commercial technologies and tools.
We focus on showing and communicating the lack of consistent design support for these technologies to help the designers present in the workshop understand the impact they will be able to make on these tools even with limited time in a workshop. Design is an underserved function across OSS and the Internet Freedom space, though there are talented and dedicated designers in the space they can be supported immensely by designers volunteering at events like these workshops. One of the fantastic things about running workshops on these topics around the globe is that these technologies are able to gain perspective from multiple citizens and user perspectives. These OSS internet freedom tools can then be designed with many cultural and contextual scenarios which makes them more usable, relevant and useful world-wide.


**“Internet Freedom and OSS technology is not so easy to use. After the workshop I recognised that some technologies are trying to be implemented for the general public and reduce its relatively high technological entry barrier.” - Taro from Team Hotpot**


Image caption: A screengrab image of a slide from the workshop. The text reads: “Design in OSS: Why?. Design in OSS is not new by any means! Designers and those that work on the design of OSS tools have been around since the beginning. But they might have called themselves usability experts or maybe HCI (Human computer interaction)Regardless of when designers in FL/OSS started, the trend and increase of interest for design in OSS in the last 5+ years is becoming clearer. Design is mentioned and has a presence across all technology tools in the proprietary or commercial world and more and more organizations and companies are getting on board with the design process and designers as part of technology projects.


Image caption: A screengrab image of a slide from the workshop. The text reads: “Designers are users advocates. Designers are typically focussed on ensuring that the FLOSS's users needs are being met in the way that most works for them. This might not always be a technical answer to a problem, sometimes it's about refining, clarifying and exploring alternate pathways and 'hacks' users use. Designers are there to translate those user needs for the technology they design for. Balancing 'business wants' and stakeholder needs (among other needs and wants!) is the designer's domain.

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# Executive Summary
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

## Personas

Once the tool landscape has been explored, discussed and understood, the next critical component to explore are the users, their needs, threats and experiences. These are critical in order to better understand under what conditions the OSS, Internet Freedom technology will be used. These personas exercises help anyone, designer, developer or human rights activist explore these experiences and helps when making assumptions, asking questions about the users and coming up with hypotheses for use of the technology.
In order to optimize the time in the workshop, the facilitators created 3 user personas based on our own knowledge of similar situations and country contexts. These personas were intended to “spark ideas” and were there to be remixed and edited by workshop participants. This was the first activity the attendees worked on together in their groups. The personas could be read and used by the teams at the workshop as their 'key persona' to design and consider. What we found though, was that the participants in the workshop wanted to analyze and understand these personas, written by people outside Taiwan and then re-contextualise them in a Taiwanese way. Hence, some groups used a majority of a persona’s information and then edited small details. Other groups completely re-wrote their own personas using information from all 3 examples and also information from their own experiences of internet shutdown situations.
These new personas ended up being vital to better understanding the needs and experiences from South East Asian perspectives including folks from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Personas, when used as a device to explore needs, threats and feelings, gives anyone reading them a look at people in certain countries with certain struggles and problems. This is how designers build understanding and empathy for users and can later match technological ideas, features and improvements to goals, needs and threats of personas and then, validate whether those features help solve those problems.

為了優化工作坊的時間,主持人根據我們對類似情境和國家背景的了解,設計了 3 個代表性的使用者角色。這些角色旨在「啟發想法」,並供工作坊參與者重新組合和編輯。這是與會者在小組中一起進行的第一個活動。工作坊的小組可以將這些預設角色作為參考並以此定調他們的「主要角色」,用於進行設計和討論。
然而,我們發現工作坊的參與者希望分析和理解這些由非台灣人的角色,然後再以台灣的方式重塑角色。因此,有些小組使用了大部分原始的角色資訊,僅對細節進行微調。其他小組則完全徹底的重寫了角色,使用了所有 3 個範例的元素,以及融入了他們對網路中斷情況的經驗。

**“As a team we wanted to explore the relationship between Taiwanese citizens and local journalists. The members of this team believe there are two types of journalists. The most common journalist is someone who works to gain views. Then there's also a rarer journalist that informs the public about important social issues, and serves as a watchdog to ensure transparency and accountability while working towards societal solutions.” - Biscuit from Team Cheesecake**


Image caption: A photo of Team Mojito’s persona. There is a simple person drawing in the top left, name and then bio details including his role and other information about his needs, threats, goals and struggles.
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# Executive Summary
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

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# Executive Summary
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

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# Executive Summary
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

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# Executive Summary
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

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# Executive Summary
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

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# Documentation
# Workshop Methods and processes / 工作坊的方法和過程

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Participants attending the workshops or hackathons might not have in-depth expertise or knowledge about the kinds of tools, users or problems that the workshop hopes to tackle. This expertise is built up during the first half of the workshop from each person in the group sharing what they know with each other but also through the facilitation of the workshop. We kick off the contextual understanding of the workshop with some introductions, demos and explanations of the types of technologies and tools that can be used for the purposes of censorship circumvention and human rights activism. These don't need to be complete, comprehensive demos and you don't need to be an expert or a user of these tools (it helps if you know the basic functionality of the tools you speak about) but fundamentally, letting participants know what exists and what is technologically possible in the space already helps them to better understand the limitations and explorations of what they will investigate later.


**“I was curious about open-source software and found the internet shutdown scenario. This experience has reinforced my view of GitHub as a collaborative platform where developers can gain valuable insights on their projects. I have created my own OSS project since the workshop.” - Pepperoni from Team Pizza**

## Destiny

In this workshop we covered a few different technologies, a 'magic wormhole' desktop and mobile app called Destiny (made by Least Authority) that allows users to send files using unique codes that are entered into the app to verify the receiver/sender. The file only sends and receives when both the sender and receiver have the app open on an active connection at the same time. This tool ideally means that sensitive files can be sent more privately with less traceability for people involved.

在這個工作坊中,我們介紹了幾種不同的技術。首先是一個名為 Destiny 的「魔法蟲洞」桌面和移動應用程式(由 Least Authority 開發),它允許用戶使用輸入到應用程式中的唯一代碼來發送文件,以驗證接收者/發送者。只有當發送者和接收者同時在活躍連接上打開應用程式時,文件才會發送和接收。這個工具理想情況下意味著敏感文件可以更私密地發送,參與者的可追蹤性更低。


Image caption: A screengrab image of a slide from the workshop. It shows the purple and blue logo for the tool ‘Destiny’, a link to their github project page ( and several UI screenshots from the tool showing end-to-end encryption and how devices link to each other to send files. There is a screen of Destiny that has a large button that reads ‘Select a file’ and the next screens progress through sending a file.

## Briar

The second tool we introduced is a communication, messaging and documentation tool called Briar. Briar uses bluetooth technology in short range to connect to other nearby devices that also have Briar and have been through a verification process. This tool is useful for people that need to distribute essential information to pre-approved contacts through a communication method that is harder to 'shut down' (like Wifi and mobile internet). Briar is also able to host longer articles, written text and also multiple people conversations in a 'forum' type function.

我們介紹的第二個工具是 Briar ,這是一款集通訊、訊息和文檔功能於一體的應用程式。Briar 使用短距離藍牙技術連接到附近同樣安裝了 Briar的裝置,這些設備是都經過驗證程序的設備。對於需要向預先認證的聯絡人分發重要訊息的人來說,需要透過更難「中斷」的通訊方式(如 Wi-Fi 和移動網路)這個工具特別有用。Briar 還能夠託管長篇的文章、書面文字,並在「論壇」類型的功能中進行多人對話。


## New Node

The last tool we introduced is 'New Node' which, similar to Briar, is a peer-to-peer communication tool that is harder to censor or shutdown as it connects directly to other devices with NewNode. Similar to Briar, NewNode can help people in situations where the internet is censored or shutdown make essential communications with trusted people. We also offer a 2 page document with other common tools used in internet shutdowns that participants can investigate when they get time to explore.

我們介紹的最後一個工具是「New Node」,它與 Briar 類似,是一種點對點通訊工具,但更難被審查或中斷,因為它直接連接到其他安裝了 NewNode 的裝置。與 Briar 類似,NewNode 可以協助用戶在網路被審查或中斷的情況下,與信任的人維持必要的的通訊。我們還提供了一份兩頁的文件,列舉了其他在網路中斷時常用的工具,供參與者在有時間研究。


Image caption: Two images of the UI of NewNode. The images show a list of contact profile pictures in circles and the message thread previews next to them that shows the most recent message from that message history. The next UI shows a message thread with one person detailing an audio file and an image file being sent as well as fire emojis being used in chat.

Finally, the room was opened up to discuss and write down tools that participants knew of that they anticipated could be useful in internet shutdown scenarios. Even if participants are not familiar with internet shutdowns or other human rights related purposes, they begin to understand the needs and circumstances that people in these human rights situations need and what technology could be useful or fundamental in such scenarios. Participants can either call these out in the room or write their own on stickies and then place them on a common area. In addition to technology or tools it is also helpful to write what it aims to do or achieve, within the human rights context.



Image caption: A screengrab image of a slide from the workshop showing many virtual sticky notes with different tools that workshop participants knew about from the workshop. There is a mixture of English characters and Mandarin characters.

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