A Phaser plugin for fast pathfinding using navigation meshes.
Pathfinding is essentially solving a maze, finding a path between two points while avoiding obstacles. When pathfinding in games, we need to:
- Represent the game world in a way that defines what areas are walkable.
- Search that representation for the shortest path.
When it comes to 2D pathfinding in Phaser, the packaged solution represents the world using tiles (a grid) and then searchs for a path using the A* algorithm. If you have a 50 x 50 tile world, searching for a path involves searching through a representation of the world with up to 2500 locations (nodes).
This plugin uses navigation meshes to simplify that search. Instead of representing the world as a grid of tiles, it represents the walkable areas of the world as a mesh. That means that the representation of the world has far fewer nodes, and hence, can be searched much faster than the grid approach. This approach is 5x - 150x faster than Phaser's A* plugin (see performance section).
The example map below (left) is a 30 x 30 map. As a grid, there are 900 nodes, but as a navmesh (right) there are 27 nodes (colored rectangles).
(Note: if you are viewing this on GitHub or NPM, you might want to check out the HTML documentation here.)
TODO: make this more readable and add interactive demo
Comparing this navmesh plugin against:
- Phaser's grid-based A* plugin. Navmesh is approximately 5x - 150x faster.
- A faster, grid-based A* search, EasyStar.js. Navmesh is approximately 5x - 20x faster.
Performance depends on the size of the area that needs to be searched. Finding for a path between points that are 50 pixels away is (generally) going to be much faster than finding a path between points that are 5000 pixels away.
Details (see src/library/performance):
Performance Comparison, 100000 iterations, 30x30 tilemap
Short paths (150 - 500 pixel length)
Average time per iteration:
AStart Plugin: 0.02470ms
EasyStar Plugin: 0.02876ms
NavMesh Plugin: 0.00575ms
NavMesh is 4.30x faster than Phaser AStar
NavMesh is 5.00x faster than EasyStar
Long paths (600 pixels and greater length), average time per iteration:
Average time per iteration:
AStart Plugin: 1.38710ms
EasyStar Plugin: 0.15977ms
NavMesh Plugin: 0.00738ms
NavMesh is 187.95x faster than Phaser AStar
NavMesh is 21.65x faster than EasyStar
Whether you include the library as a script tag or import it as a module, Phaser is a dependency. The library expects Phaser to be in the global scope.
Download the dist/phaser-navmesh.min.js here and include it in your HTML:
<script src="dist/phaser-navmesh.min.js"></script>
Inside of your own script, you can now use the global PhaserNavmesh:
Install the dependency:
npm install --save phaser-navmesh
To use the babelified and minified library:
import phaserNavmesh from "phaser-navmesh";
To use the raw es6 library (so you can transpile it to match your own project settings):
import phaserNavmesh from "phaser-navmesh/src/library";
See guide.
// This snippet assumes you've got your tilemap loaded in a variable called "tilemap"
// Register the plugin with Phaser
const navMeshPlugin = this.game.plugins.add(phaserNavmesh);
// Load the navMesh from the tilemap object layer "navmesh." The navMesh was created with 12.5
// pixels of space around obstacles.
const navMesh = navMeshPlugin.buildMeshFromTiled(tilemap, "navmesh", 12.5);
const p1 = new Phaser.Point(100, 400);
const p2 = new Phaser.Point(700, 200);
const path = navMeshPlugin.findPath(p1, p2);
// -> path is now either an array of points, or null if no valid path could be found
Visually debugging paths:
navMesh.enableDebug(); // Creates a Phaser.Graphics overlay on top of the screen
navMesh.debugClear(); // Clears the overlay
// Visualize the underlying navmesh
drawCentroid: true, drawBounds: false, drawNeighbors: true, drawPortals: true
// Find & visualize a specific path
const path = navMesh.findPath(follower.position, target, {
drawPolyPath: true, drawFinalPath: true
Pull requests are welcome! If you want to run this repo locally, make sure you have node installed. Download the repo, open a terminal in the repo folder and run:
npm install
This will pull all the dependencies. The project is controlled via npm scripts. The main ones to use:
npm run build:all
- will build the library intodist/
& the examples intopublic/
. You can use this to generate a custom build.npm run dev
- will build, watch and serve the library & examples. A browser window will pop up with links to the examples.npm run test
- will run the tests against the library.
Helpful resources used while building this plugin:
- Inspired by PatrolJS, an implementation of navmeshes for threejs
- Navmesh path-finding algorithm explanations:
- Advice on astar heuristics
- Documentation
- Describe the Tiled process. Adding an object layer, setting snapping, making sure vertices overlap...
- Specific Extensions
- Allow non-square navmesh from Tiled - any convex shape
- Reimplement the autotessalation version of the lib
- Try libtess in quad mode
- The astar heuristic & cost functions need another pass. They don't always produce the shortest path. Implement incomplete funneling while building the astar path?
- The navmesh assumes any polygon can reach any other polygon. This probably should be extended to put connected polygons into groups like patroljs.
- Extract Phaser dependency
- Allow the library to work with an arbitrary mesh while having helper functions that are Phaser specific
- Testing
- Check against tilemap that is larger than the screen
- Research
- There are probably optimization tricks to do when dealing with certain types of shapes. E.g. we are using axis-aligned boxes for the polygons and it is dead simple to calculate if a point is inside one of those...
- Investigate Points-of-Visibility pathfinding to compare speed
- Using ES6 is probably suboptimal for performance