We're all familiar with social websites where you create an account and then are encouraged to provide information about yourself. They often have something when you login that announces "Your profile is 55% complete. Add a photo to reach 70%!" The notion of completeness can be applied to objects of all sort, to processes, and so on.
This gem provides a general solution for expressing and assessing completeness. It includes:
- a DSL for expressing the conditions
- methods to report completeness as True/False or percentage
- a method to provide hints for completion
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'zitdunyet'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install zitdunyet
To use the gem, first require the gem and include the Completeness module into the class for which you want to track completeness.
require 'zitdunyet'
class UserAccount
include Zitdunyet::Completeness
attr_accessor :name, :birthday, :favorite_color, :friends
... etc ...
If you'd rather separate concerns, create a Decorator for your model and include the Completeness module there.
require 'zitdunyet'
class UserAccountCompleteness
include Zitdunyet::Completeness
def initialize(user_account)
@user_accout = user_account
... etc ...
I'm reminded of Larry Wall's admonition to make simple things easy and difficult things possible. In that spirit, let's start with a simple use case.
The conditions for completeness are represented as check-off items. Check-off items are expressed using the #checkoff class macro.
The arguments are:
- label - a String or something that evaluates to a String to identify the item
- amount - how much of the completeness is tied to this item, expressed in percent or units
- options - hint to encourage completion of this item
- logic - a block to evaluate that determines if this item is done. The block is passed self and evaluates to true/false.
Let's start with a simple use case in the context of UserAccount.
checkoff "Name", 30.percent do |s| s.name end
checkoff "Birthday", 25.percent do |s| s.birthday end
checkoff "Favorite Color", 15.percent do |s| not s.favorite_color.nil? end
checkoff "Friends", 30.percent do |s| s.friends.size >= 3 end
This basically gives credit when name, birthday, and favorite_color have values, and when the user has specified 3 or more friends. Of course, the details of enforcing good values for these fields (e.g., birthdate is actually a Date, friends is an array) is not shown and is your responsibility, not this gem's.
When writing the checkoff, you may chose to use ()'s and {}'s or break the do ... end over multiple lines if that's more your style. I adopted the style above because it reads well as a DSL. Ruby purists may have another opinion. Any valid Ruby method syntax is fair game, though.
checkoff("Favorite Color", 15.percent) { |s| s.favorite_color }
checkoff "Friends", 30.percent do |s|
s.friends.size >= 3
Instances of the class can be tested for completeness by using instance methods defined in Completeness:
- #complete? - returns true if all of the check-off items' logic blocks evaluate to true; false otherwise
- #percent_complete - returns a number 0-100 that represents the sum of percentages associated with check-off items that evaluate to true. If the percentages specified for all of the check-off items total 100, then the result is a strict sum of the completed check-off items. If the percentages specified total less than 100, then the returned value is scaled to make up the shortfall.
If your UserAccount happens to be incomplete, it would be nice to know what you need to do to complete it.
- #hints - returns a hash in which the keys are the labels or hints of the uncompleted steps and the values are the percentages
By using descriptive labels you can give a decent prompt to the user.
checkoff "Birthday filled in", 25.percent do |s| s.birthday end
checkoff "At least 3 friends", 30.percent do |s| s.friends.size >= 3 end
Sometimes, though, you may want to be more elaborate in your hinting. #checkoff accepts an optional argument, :hint, for such situations. The hint must be a string or a block that evaluates to a String.
checkoff "Favorite Color", 15.percent, hint: "What's your favorite color?" do |s| s.favorite_color end
checkoff "Friends", 30.percent, hint: lambda {|s| "Add #{3-s.friends.size} friends"} do |s| s.friends.size >= 3 end
The hint over-rides the label when reported by #hints.
They might be a situation where you want a list of both the items that have been completed and the items yet to be done.
- #checklist - returns a hash in which the keys are labels and the values are Boolean (true for complete and false for not complete)
Basic usage is fine for most situations, but sometimes you need a little something extra.
Percentages are easy to understand, but have the annoying property of having to total 100. As noted above, the #percent_complete method is forgiving when your totals fall short, but that may be surprising when you start seeing "43.375% complete" reported when you know all your specified percentages are on the 5's and 10's. Also, checkoff will squawk at you if you attempt to specify a percentage that puts you over 100.
Instead of percent, the checkoff amount can be expressed in units. This gives you the freedom to specify relative values at whatever scale you like. #percent_complete will calculate the percentages for you.
checkoff "Step 1", 1.unit do |s| s.step_1_done? end
checkoff "Step 2", 1.unit do |s| s.step_2_done? end
checkoff "Step 3", 1.unit do |s| s.step_3_done? end
This strategy will allow you to add a "Step 4" down the road without having to rejigger percentage.
You may mix both percent and units in a series of checkoffs if desired. Let's say you want the user name to always count for 30% regardless of anything else. You could assign it 30% and assign units to the other items. #percent_complete will honor the explicit percents and scale the units into whatever remains.
Let's say you have a special account that subclasses UserAccount. You want the special account to have additional steps toward completion. No problem. Simply specify the additional checkoff items in the subclass. When evaluating completion, the checkoff items in the UserAccount will be evaluated along with the checkoff items in the subclass.
In situations where subclassing is a possibility it is good practice to specify the checkoff amounts in units rather than percent. That way the superclass can be complete relative to itself when instantiated, while allowing the subclass to contribute its share when it is instantiated without blowing the 100% barrier.
- Add method doc
- Finesse away the monkeypatchs of Numeric that add #percent and #units
- Add options for expressing staleness
This gem is brand spankin' new and is not in production yet. It might benefit from further refinement that I haven't considered in the rush to get it done. But hey, it passes specs, so ship it!
This gem was developed in the course of my work at Spoke Software. It is being made publicly available as a way of giving back to the community.
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