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Structured, Leveled Logging with Context

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Another logging package? Really?

Yes. slog is another logging package. It's probably worth listing some of the more mature logging packages out there that may suit your purpose:

Please note that this package is not under active development. It has some good ideas, but there are just too many other good logging packages that have wide support and active development.


Package slog does not provide the use of Printf-like methods for formatting messages. Instead it encourages the use of key-value pairs for logging properties associated with a log message. So, instead of of

 log.Printf("[error] cannot open file %s: %s", filename, err.Error())

which would look like:

 [error] cannot open file /etc/hosts: file not found

Logging key-value pairs looks like:

 slog.Error(ctx, "cannot open file",
     slog.WithValue("filename", filename),

which results in a log message like:

 error msg="cannot open file" filename=/etc/hosts error="file not found"

This idea has gained traction as a best practice, and the result is both readable by humans, and can be parsed quite easily.


Like many other logging packages, slog requires the calling program to assign a level to each message logged. The log levels available in the slog package are:

  • Debug for messages that are of interest to software developers when they are debugging the application. A debug message might involve quite low-level information, such as entering and leaving a function.
  • Info for messages that indicate an event of interest, but is not an error condition. An example might be logging an info message when a new user signs up for a service. This might be useful for counting, but it is not a cause for concern for the dev-ops team.
  • Warn for messages that indicate a condition that is not necessarily a cause for concern by the dev-ops team in its own right, but could be a cause for concern if it were to happen on a regular basis. An example of a warning message might be an attempt to login with an invalid username/password combination. Not a problem if it happens occasionally, but the dev-ops team might be interested if it were happening on a very regular basis from one particular IP address.
  • Error for messages that indicate a condition that may require immediate attention from the dev-ops team. Error messages indicate some sort of failure that the application program may not be able to recover from without human intervention.

The guidelines for the levels above are quite general. There is room for interpretation, and the level chosen for any particular message can depend on the application, and the agreed standards of the development and operations teams for that application.

It might be worth noting that there is a growing opinion that fewer levels might be better than many levels. Dave Cheney, for example, promotes an argument that warning messages should be eliminated.

With Context

Package slog makes heavy use of the package. If your application does not use this context package, then you will probably want to look at one of the other logging packages, as slog will not deliver much benefit to you. If you are unfamiliar with the package there is an excellent article on the Go Blog.

The package is useful when writing servers that handle requests. Common examples are HTTP servers, RPC servers and batch processors. As each request is processed, multiple goroutines may be started to assist with the processing of the request. By convention each function involved in the processing of the request receives as its first parameter a ctx variable of type context.Context. The context makes it easy to pass values associated with the request, and slog makes use of this by adding log properties to the request.

func Login(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (*User, error) {
    // create a new context with log properties
    ctx = slog.NewContext(ctx,
        slog.Property{"operation", "Login"},
        slog.Property{"username", username})

    // ... pass request onto database access functions ...
    user, err := db.FindUserByUsername(username)
    if err != nil {
        // will log `error msg="cannot find user" operation="Login" username="fnurk"`
        return nil, slog.Error(ctx, "cannot find user", slog.WithError(err))

    // ... more processing ...

    return user, nil

In the above example, the Login function attaches some properties to the context, so if at a later time an error condition is logged, the properties in the context are logged with the message.

When to log an error message

When using slog to log error messages, there are a few simple rules of thumb for logging error messages.

  • If a function with a context calls a function without a context, then log any error and return the message logged as the error.

     func FuncWithContext(ctx context.Context, int someArg) error {
         // calling a function that does not accept a context, could
         // be some external library
         if err := DoThatOneThing(someArg); err != nil {
             // log a message and return that message as the error
             return slog.Error(ctx, "cannot do that one thing",
         // ... do more processing ...
         return nil
  • If a function with a context calls another function with a context, then there is no need log to log an error if the only processing to be performed is to pass the error back to the caller.

     func FuncWithContext(ctx context.Context, int someArg) error {
         // calling another function with context: that function
         // will log an error if it encounters it and return
         if err := DoOneThingWithContext(ctx, someArg); err != nil {
             // don't log a message: the DoOneThingWithContext function
             // has already logged and all we are doing is passing the
             // error back to our caller
             return nil, err
         // ... do more processing ...
         return nil
  • If a function with a context calls another function with a context and receives an error response, then if there is some non-trivial error handling then there may be scope for additional logging.

     func FuncWithContext(ctx context.Context, int someArg) error {
         // calling another function with context: that function
         // will log an error if it encounters it and return
         if err := DoOneThingWithContext(ctx, someArg); err != nil {
             slog.Info(ctx, "cleaning up")
             DoSomeCleanup(ctx, someArg)
             return nil, err
         // ... do more processing ...
         return nil

Messages are errors

As seen in the above examples, the slog.Error, slog.Warn, slog.Info and slog.Debug functions all return a non-nil *slog.Message. This non-nil pointer implements the error interface, and can be returned as an error value.

Messages can have a status code

In the common case of a HTTP server, it may be useful to pass back a suggested HTTP status code when logging an error:

if user, err := FindUser(username); err != nil {
	return slog.Error(ctx, "cannot find user", slog.WithError(err))
} else if user == nil {
	// log message and include a hint at a suitable HTTP status code
	return slog.Warn(ctx, "user not found",

// ... continue processing user ...

The HTTP middleware can then make use of the status code later if necessary

// statusCodeFromError chooses a HTTP status code based on an error.
func statusCodeFromError(err error) int {
	// default to internal error
	statusCode := http.StatusInternalServerError

	type statusCoder interface {
		StatusCode() int

	if errWithStatusCode, ok := err.(statusCoder); ok {
		if sc := errWithStatusCode.StatusCode(); sc > 0 {
			statusCode = sc

	return statusCode

Messages can have an error code

There are times when it may be useful to pass back a code to inform the requesting party that a specific error condition has occurred.

// optimistic locking exception has occurred
return slog.Info(ctx, "optimistic locking error",

TODO: we have played around with an errors-like package with functions StatusCode(error) int and Code(error) string, but haven't got around to publishing it yet. It keeps changing with every project we use it on.


Structured, Leveled Logging with Context







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