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A collection of scripts to automate stuff on Max OS X systems.

Table of contents

  1. Scripts
  2. App Index
  3. Script Index


Add new task from selected mail to 2Do

Creates a new task in 2Dos default list with a link to the selected message in Mail.

  • Apps: 2Do, Mail
  • File: 2Do/AddTaskFromMail.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • TODO_TAGS: Tags for the newly created task, default: "Mail"
    • TASK_PREFIX: Prefix for the mail subject to use in the tasks title, default: "Read: "
    • INBOX_NAME: Name of the list to add the task to, default: "Inbox"
  • Binary: 2Do/AddTaskFromMail.scpt

Compose mail

Quickly compose an email in Airmail 2

  • Apps: Airmail 2
  • File: Airmail/ComposeMail.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • RECEIPIENTS: List of recipient mails
    • SENDR: Sending account to use
    • SUBJ: Subject line
    • TESNIP: Abbreviation of a TextExpander snippet to use as content
    • BCC: List of bcc mails
    • CC: List of cc mails

Save attachments

Use as a script in Airmail rules to save attachments to the selected folder.

Compile CommonMark

Converts any markdown file to html using CommonMark ( and copies all tags with tag (

Copy content

Copies the content of the selected file to the clipboard.

List files

Copies a list of all files in the selected folder to the clipboard.

Copy files

Copies the passed in files to folder

Compile CommonMark to RTF

Converts any markdown file to rich text using CommonMark ( and copies all tags with tag (

Move files

Moves the passed in files to folder

Prepend with creation date

Prepends the selected filename with the creation date.

Prepend with modification date

Prepends the selected filename with the date of the last modification.

Get Icon

Shows an icon for the current page. Requires jQuery.

Set Caffeine state

Use as Alfred action to activate/deactivate Caffein or toggle the state. Pass 'activate', 'deactivate' or 'toggle' to the action.

Show Caffeine state

Use in Alfred script filter to show Caffeins state (active or inactive) in the action item.

Randomize filenames

Lets you choose a folder and randomizes the order of all files in it by renaming them with NAME_PREFIX and a number.

  • Apps: Finder
  • File: Finder/RandomizeFolder.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • NUMBER_PADDING: By how many zeros should the number be padded, default: 4
    • NAME_PREFIX: A prefix to append an increasing number to, default: 'photo-'
    • TYPES: A list of file extensions (without the dot) to randomize, default: {'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'}
  • Binary: Finder/RandomizeFolder.scpt

Compose mail

Quickly compose an email in

  • Apps: Mail
  • File: Mail/ComposeMail.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • RECEIPIENTS: List of recipient mails
    • SENDR: Sending account to use
    • SUBJ: Subject line
    • TESNIP: Abbreviation of a TextExpander snippet to use as content
    • BCC: List of bcc mails
    • CC: List of cc mails

Save attachments

Use as a script in rules to save attachments to the selected folder.

  • Apps: Mail
  • File: Mail/SaveAttachment.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • TRASH_AFTER: Set to true to trash the mail after saving the attachments
    • DOWNLOADS: Folder to save attachments to

Vacuum index

Speed up by vacuuming the Envelope Index

Export favorites

Export all media marked as favorites in Photos

Group pictures by week

Sorts pics from a particular album into weekly albums relative to a target date based on the image date. The script will sort every media item from SOURCE_ALBUM album into child albums of the TARGET_FOLDER by calculating how many weeks after TARGET_DATE it was taken. The resulting folder structure will be:

  • Apps: Photos
  • File: Photos/SortPicsIntoWeeks.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • WEEKLY_PREFIX: Set to a prefix for the weekly albums.
    • TARGET_FOLDER: Set to the target folder for the weekly albums. This folder will be the parent of the weekly albums.
    • TARGET_DATE: Set to the target date.
    • DISPLAY_DIALOG: Set to true to display a summary dialog after everything is sorted.
    • SOURCE_ALBUM: Set to the album with the unsorted pics. If it is a subfolder use a path like string.
    • ZERO_ALBUM: Set to the album for pictures without a date or with a date before the target date.

Create HTML snippets

Creates a set of snippets for common HTML tags.

For each tag in TAGS_INLINE and TAGS_BLOCK the script will create two snippets, one with the cursor (%|) and one with the clipboard (%clipboard) between the opening and closing tags. For the TAGS_EMPTY empty tags (e.g. <hr/>) are created.

As abbreviations the first PREFIX_LENGTH chars of the tag name are used.

E.g. for the inline/block tags em/blockquote with default settings the following snippets will be created:

,em		<em>%|</em>
;em		<em>%clipboard</em>
,block	<blockquote>
;block	<blockquote>
  • Apps: TextExpander
  • File: TextExpander/CreateHTMLSnippets.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • TAGS_INLINE: inline tags to create snippets for, default: ['del', 'code', 'strong', 'em']
    • TAGS_BLOCK: block level tags to create snippets for, default: ['pre', 'blockquote']
    • PREFIX_CHARS: snippet prefixes to use, default: [',', ';', ',/']
      • the first list item places the cursor (%|) between the tags
      • the second list item places the cursor (%clipboard) between the tags
      • the third is used for empty blocks (e.g. <hr/>)
    • GROUP_NAME: name of group the snippets will be created in, default: 'HTML'
    • PREFIX_LENGTH: number of chars to take from the tag name for the abbreviation, default: 5
    • TAGS_EMPTY: empty tags to create snippets for, default: ['br', 'hr']

Create parentheses snippets

Creates a set of snippets for enclosing parentheses.

For each pair of parentheses the script will create two snippets, one with the cursor (%|) and one with the clipboard (%clipboard) between the parentheses. Both snippets will be created MAX_REPEAT times, by repeating the opening and closing parentheses one to MAX_REPEAT times.

E.g. for the pair [,] with default settings the following snippets will be created:

,[         [%|]
;[         [%clipboard]
,2[        [[%|]]
;2[        [[%clipboard]]
,3[        [[[%|]]]
;3[        [[[%clipboard]]]
  • Apps: TextExpander
  • File: TextExpander/CreateParenthesesSnippets.applescript
  • Parameters:
    • MAX_REPEAT: maximum depth for snippets, default: 3
    • PAIRS: parenthesis pairs, each item is a list with two items: the opening and closing parenthesis default: {["'", "'"], ["\"", "\""], ["`", "`"], ["(", ")"], ["[", "]"], ["{", "}"], ["_", "_"], ["-", "-"], ["~", "~"], ["*", "*"], ["<", ">"], ["=", "="]}
    • PREFIX_CHARS: snippet prefixes to use, default: [',', ';']
      • the first list item places the cursor (%|) between the tags
      • the second list item places the cursor (%clipboard) between the tags
    • GROUP_NAME: name of group the snippets will be created in, default: 'Parentheses'

Create markdown list of current Safari session

Creates a markdown document from the URLs currently open in Safaris frontmost window.

# Safari links from 2016-02-02 10:01:02

## Tabs

- [Quelltext der Seite Vorlage:OptionalProperty – Informatik-Box](
- [Kategorie:BibTeX Attribut – Informatik-Box](
- [Nicht kategorisierte Seiten – Informatik-Box](
- [Nicht kategorisierte Vorlagen – Informatik-Box](
- [InfoBox:Urheberrechte – Informatik-Box](
- [Vorlage:Rating – Informatik-Box](
- [Anmelden – Informatik-Box](
- [Category:Developer documentation –](
- [EduTech Wiki](
- [Extension:EditImage - MediaWiki](

Reindex tags of selected songs in iTunes

Reindex the songs currently selected in iTunes. For easy use put into ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/.

App Index

Script Index


Various scripts I use to automate my mac






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  • AppleScript 77.0%
  • Python 12.5%
  • Shell 8.5%
  • JavaScript 2.0%