A list of research software registries (also known as catalog, index, warehouse, repository, hub, platform, and other terms).
We define a registry as any publicly accessible website where research software can be registered, and that employs Search Engine Optimization such as the addition of metadata to help promote discovery of the research software that is published on the registry. Websites do not necessarily have to retain their own copies of the research software itself in order to be included in the list below.
- France - HAL is an open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents from all academic fields.
- Netherlands - NARCIS aims to record all scholarly outputs (papers, data, as well as software) produced at Dutch institutions.
- caltech.edu - California Institute of Technology overview of software packages.
- CLARIAH Tools - Software developed in and around the dutch CLARIAH project for researchers and developers in the Humanities and Social Sciences. (automatically harvested from source and powered by codemeta-server)
- compbiomed.eu - Software catalogue from H2020 project CompBioMed.
- darpa.mil - US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
- b2find.eudat.eu - Data and software discovery service based on metadata harvested from research data collections from EUDAT data centres and other repositories.
- kb.nl - Dutch Royal Library.
- lbl.gov - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
- nasa.gov - NASA software catalog.
- ontosoft.org - Software from a variety of disciplines, annotated and searchable using the OntoSoft vocabulary for describing software.
- osti.gov/doecode - DOECODE: US Department of Energy code repository.
- software.esciencecenter.nl - Netherlands eScience Center software portfolio (powered by the Research Software Directory.)
- re3data - Many of the registries listed in the Registry of Research Data Repositories also include software.
- USGS - US Geological Survey software, annotated and searchable using the OntoSoft vocabulary for describing software.
- 4TU dataset and software registry - Registry of software and datasets for the 4 Dutch Technical Universities (TUs), namely Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, Wageningen University and Research and other institutions.
- ascl.net - Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL).
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- egi.eu - Grid Computing middleware.
- Earth Sciences
- coral.ontosoft.org - Software related to the Coral Reef Science and Cyberinfrastructure network, annotated and searchable using the OntoSoft vocabulary for describing software.
- csdms.ontosoft.org - Software related to the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System, annotated and searchable using the OntoSoft vocabulary for describing software.
- geodynamics.org - Variety of software packages covering crustal dynamics, tectonics, mantle convection, seismology, spherical harmonics, and computational science.
- geospace.ontosoft.org - Software from the Geospace domain, annotated and searchable using the OntoSoft vocabulary for describing software.
- High energy physics https://hepforge.org/ - HEPForge is a development environment for high energy physics software projects.
- Humanities
- dighumlab.org - Software tools as used in the humanities, such as speech analysis, tokenization, lemmatization, web content scraping, and more.
- digitalmethods.net - Digital methods for research into social and political issues based on New Media.
- tapor.ca - Text Analysis.
- nfdi4culture.de - The NFDI4Culture Registry collects metadata about existing research tools and data services, and provides a simple overview and detailed information about the resources.
- Life Sciences / Biology / Medical
- bio.tools - Essential scientific and technical information about software tools, databases and services for bioinformatics and the life sciences.
- Bioconductor
- biii.eu - Bioimaging.
- nitrc.org - NeuroImaging Tools & Resources Collaboratory.
- omics.ontosoft.org - Software related to metabolomics, genomics and other omics, annotated and searchable using the OntoSoft vocabulary for describing software.
- sbgrid.org - Structural biology softwares and datasets. Members of SBGrid can benefit access to all of the deposited softwares, e.g. PyMOL.
- scicrunch.org - A human curated repository with unique persistent identifiers that are widely used in the biomedical literature.
- yale.edu/modeldb - Computational neuroscience models.
- bioconda - Conda channel dedicated to the life sciences.
- Mathematics
- gams.nist.gov - A cross-index and virtual repository of mathematical and statistical software components of use in computational science and engineering.
- netlib.org/JackDongarra - Software for high-performance computers that's available in "open source" form on the web for solving problems in numerical linear algebra, specifically dense, sparse direct and iterative systems, and sparse iterative eigenvalue problems.
- swmath.org - Mathematics.
- mloss.org/software - Machine Learning.
- nanohub.org - Nano Technology.
- Social and Ecological Sciences
- comses.net - Library of Computational models for the study of social and ecological systems.
- sosciso.de - Social Science Software (SoSciSo): Catalog of Software Tools for use in the Social Science Research Process
- CodeOcean - Cloud-based computational environment to preserve, publish, and execute research code.
- FigShare - Helps academic institutions store, share and manage all of their research outputs, and issues persistent identifiers.
- Software Heritage Archive
- Zenodo - Online library where you can deposit almost any kind of digital artefact and get a persistent identifier.
- Internet Archive - The Internet Archive Software Collection is the largest vintage and historical software library in the world.