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by Oliver Fleetwood, Sergio Pérez-Conesa and Marko Petrovic 2017-2021.
Collaborators: Miłosz Wieczór
Maintained: Sergio Pérez-Conesa

Image of string

This repository contains an implementation of the string method with swarms of trajectories [1,2] using GROMACS[3].

Using the code

Python dependencies

The package has been tested with GROMACS2020.2. For the moment, the problem only works with CPUs but it will be adapted to use GPUs in the future. The program assumes that if you are using a cluster the queuing system is slurm, but it is easily adaptable to other systems. The program should find in the path a gmx_mpi binary to run the simulations and a non-mpi version of the program gmx or gmx_seq to run the grompp commands.

Warning: if only gmx_mpi is available grompps are run with srun -n 1 gmx_mpi grompp. This has made in occasions the slurm server unstable and you might receive an email from your sysadim asking you to explain why you send 300 jobs of milisecond duration in the timelapse of a second.

The program computes the string's collective variables with gromacs' pull-code or alternatively with plumed.

Preparing the files

To launch a simulation you first need to set up a system (start.gro,, index.ndx), configure Collective Variables (CVs; a.k.a reaction coordinates) with GROMACS' pull code (restrained.mdp, swarms.mdp, steered.mdp), and provide an initial string (string0.txt). We recommend you to use one of the examples below as a template. There is also a start-up, which walks you through file preparation, steering simulations, running of the string method and analysis using jupyter notebooks.

Molecular Dynamics Properties (MDP) files

Steered MD (preprocessing step) files


Contains the settings to run steered MD with pull code restraints between beads i and i+1 on your input string.

In addition, to this you need start coordinates to your steered MD simulation (default name start.gro) and a string0.txt.

The running this package with the steered mode will generate simulations that steer the system from start.gro through the beads in string0.txt and generates for each of them a simulation folder in md/0/{bead-number}/restrained.

String method files


Contains the settings to run a short equilibration with pull code restraints before launching the swarms. All required pull code parameters except for pull-code-init should be set in this file. It is likely very similar to steered.mdp. You can find a template for this file in start-up.


Contains the settings to run the unrestrained swarm simulations. Note that you still need to define the pull code properties in this file to print the CV values to a xvg-file, but no force should be applied. This is achieved by setting pull-coord-k=0. You can find a template for this file in start-up.

Pull code MDP example

pull = yes
pull-ngroups = 2
pull-group1-name = residue_1 ; name of groups defined in the index file
pull-group2-name = residue_2

; Define the first collective variable (CV)
pull-ncoords = 1
pull-coord1-geometry = distance
pull-coord1-groups = 1 2 ; Center of mass distnace between the two groups
pull-coord1-k = 0 ; strength of harmonic potential. Set to a high value in restrained.mdp and to 0 in swarms.mdp
; .... Define more CVs below

; Handle output
pull-print-components = no ; output pull coordinates
pull-nstxout = 50000 ; Step interval to output the coordinate values to the pullx.xvg. Should match the 'nstepsä property
pull-nstfout = 0

It is also possible to use plumed patched into gromacs to provide the string cvs instead of gromacs' pull-code. Unfortunately, the great flexibility of plumed cvs comes at the cost of significant performance reduction. Checkout start-up for example plumed entries.


You need to have a valid topology file called and an index file called index.ndx.The index file should define all groups used by the pull code.

Input string

String files

You define your initial pathway in a numpy.txt format called string0.txt. Every row in your file defines the CV coordinates for a bead on the string. The first column refers to the first CV/pull coordinate, the second column to the second CV etc.

Input coordinates

Note: unless you have a trajectory to derive input coordinates from, we recommend you to you steered-MD to initialize the simulation. If you use the steeredMD script (python --start_mode=steered), the string input will be prepared for you. You can use start-up for this.

For every bead on you string your need a file with all atom coordinates called confout.gro. Create one directory per bead and put the corresponding snapshot in that directory according to the layout below: md/0/0/restrained/confout.gro, md/0/1/restrained/confout.gro, md/0/2/restrained/confout.gro, ... You don't need to provide .gro-files for the first and last bead on the string if your endpoints are fixed, which is the default.

Note that these structures should be well-equilibrated and be close to the coordinates defined in string0.txt. This can for example be achieved by running steered-MD along your initial string between two endpoints. The string simulation will only equilibrate the system according to nsteps in restrained.mdp.

File organization

We recommend you to organize your simulation files according to the following default layout:

├── config.json
├── md
│   └── 0
│       ├── 0
│       │   └── restrained
│       │       └── confout.gro
│       ├── 1
│       │   └── restrained
│       │       └── confout.gro
│       ├── 2
│       │   └── restrained
│       │       └── confout.gro
├── mdp
│   ├── restrained.mdp
│   └── swarms.mdp
│   └── steered.mdp
├── strings.txt
│   ├──
│   ├── string0-scaled.txt
│   └── string0.txt
└── topology
    ├── end.gro
    ├── index.ndx
    ├── start.gro

As the program progresses it will create new directories in the md directory, one new directory for every string iterations. At the end of every iteration, it will output new string coordinates strings/string1.txt, strings/string2.txt", etc.

We know it requires some effort to get started, but the start-up should make it much easier for you!

config.json (optional)

This JSON file will be loaded as a Config object defined in stringmethod/ You can override parameters such as:

  • swarm_size=int (default: 32): The number of trajectories in a swarm.
  • max_iterations=int (default: 100): The maximum number of iterations before the program automatically goes into processing.
  • fixed_endpoints=true/false (default: false): If the endpoints should be fixed or not. Fixed endpoints will not be updated between iterations. No swarm trajectories will be launched from the endpoints.
  • mdrun_options_restrained=list_of_strings (default: [ ] ): Takes a list of strings that will be passed to gmxapi as mdrun options in steering simulations. For example: ["-nt","4"] will make each restrained simulation launched run with 4 threads.
  • mdrun_options_swarms=list_of_strings (default: [ ] ): Same as mdrun_options_stereed but for swarm simulations.
  • mdrun_options_restrained=list_of_strings (default: [ ] ): Same as mdrun_options_stereed but for restrained simulations.
  • grompp_options=list_of_strings (default: [ ]): Options for grompp commands. Useful for example to add ["-maxwarn", "1"].
  • use_plumed=bool (default: false): Use plumed instead of gromacs' code.

Running a string simulation

The main entry point to start a program is via with the optional parameters iteration, start_mode and config_file. You can also write your own python wrapper and import the stringmethod module. The program can run either in an MPI environment, automatically distributing the work to multiple nodes, or on a single machine.

Running on a single machine

python --config_file=config.json

This will run all the simulations in sequential order, first restrained simulations all beads, then all swarm trajectories per bead. Here we've also provided an optional config.json file. You can also set the parameter start_mode=steered or start_mode=postprocessing to run steeredMD or postprocessing.

Postprocessing computes the free energy surface and generates the count matrix.

In practice, unless the machine has hardware acceleration (i.e. a GPU) you probably need to run the string method in a distributed environment.

Single machine runs are currently not working, the fix is WIP.

Running with MPI in a HPC environment

The string method is well-suited for distributed computing, where the independent MD simulations run in parallel with very little inter-process communication. The program makes use of the -multidir option to efficiently run in parallel many simulations. The amount of simulations it can run simultaneously depends on the number of mpiranks available. The only restriction is that the number of physical-cores should be divisible by the number of beads and the number of swarms per bead.

You also have slurm script files in start-up.

Handling restarts

You can just start the script the same way as you did the first time, it will figure out where it was before. Optionally you can start the python script with a flag --iteration=X, then it will start from that step directly. In this way, you don't spend time checking that all files are there which can be slow if many iterations have been already run.

Recovering after a crash

Assume that your simulation files are corrupt or that you realize your mdp options are incorrect, and you need to rerun part of the simulation. Since the files are organized in a tree structure, it's easy to delete the directory of a failing iteration. Then when you restart that directory will be recreated.

To avoid the generation of corrupt files, each slurm job should generate an integer number of iterations before exiting thus avoiding terminating the slurm job with a time-out. The slurm files in start-up are configured to this effect.

Convergence of the string and free energy landscapes

The string has converged once its cvs are no longer drifting in time but rather oscilating around an equilibrium position. This can be easily tracked by plotting the string for a given cv as a function of time. It is also possible to monitor the root mean square deviation of the string for a given cv as function of time. You can find examples of how to do this in start-up.

Then there's the convergence of the free energy landscapes, which is not exactly the same thing. For that you have two options: the easy one is to compute the free energy landscape between iterations x and y, then compare it to the landscape between iterations y+1 and z. Another solution is to the take the transition counts you get from this repository, feed it to pyEmma or MSMBuilder and run Markov chain Monte Carlo bootstrapping. The advantage of the latter is that you can get a better view of convergence without having to run that long.

You can have a perfectly converged string and not have a converged free energy landscape. The reason is that you need multiple transitions between bins (defined as states) to converge the free energy landscape. Convergence of the string just requires the drift of the swarm to be low. If you have high free energy barriers you still need transitions along them to get a FE landscape.


In the examples directory you'll find complete sets of input files for running a simulation. These can be used for testing your python environment or as a template to set up your own simulation.

Alanine dipeptide in vaccuum (WIP)

We analyze the transition between two metastable states of alanine dipeptide using the two dihedral angles ϕ and Ψ. This simulation can run on a regular laptop. Using GPU acceleration in this small system may result in slower simulations.

beta2: G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activation

We study the beta2 adrenergic receptor in its native apo state using five C-alpha distances as CVs. Read our paper [2] for more details. This simulation takes time. To obtain useful results you need a desktop with a good GPU or an HPC environment.

Start-up: tutorial/how to.

In this example you will find instructions and jupyter notebooks to prepare input files, run steering simulations, run string simulations and analyze the results. The example is carried out with the beta2 receptor but can be adapted to any problem.


  1. Pan, Albert C., Deniz Sezer, and Benoît Roux. "Finding transition pathways using the string method with swarms of trajectories." The journal of physical chemistry B 112.11 (2008): 3432-3440.
  2. Fleetwood, Oliver, et al. "Energy Landscapes Reveal Agonist Control of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Activation via Microswitches." Biochemistry 59.7 (2020): 880-891.
  3. Abraham, Mark James, et al. "GROMACS: High performance molecular simulations through multi-level parallelism from laptops to supercomputers." SoftwareX 1 (2015): 19-25.


An implementation of the string method using GROMACS' python API







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