Scripts and functions for accelerating single electrons with ultrafast azimuthally-polarized laser beams including with spatial-temporal couplings.
Acceleration with radially-polarized laser pulses (RPLBs, also called TM pulses) has been studied in-depth in simulations and experiments due to the strong longitudinal field. Azimuthally-polarized laser pulses (APLBs, also called TE pulses) have similar equations for the electric and magnetic fields, but have been studied much less. There are a few recent works [1,2]. We aim to study the electron acceleration dynamics when spatio-temporal couplings (STCs) are added to such pulses.
[1] Yali Zheng, Xunming Cai, Xin Zhao, and Wei Wang, "Acceleration of electrons by tightly focused azimuthally polarized ultrashort pulses in a vacuum," Opt. Express 30, 1627-1640 (2022).
[2] Xunming Cai, Xin Zhao, Wei Wang, Menghui Fan, and Jing Huang, "Diffusion and kinetic energy of electrons accelerated by focused few-cycle azimuthally polarized pulses," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 39, 2914-2924 (2022).
This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 801505 (IF@ULB Cofund PostDoc grant for S.W.J.).