A system to remotely patch tens of thousands (or more) of Windows systems in an SCCM environment using PowerShell
This was originally built in a large enterprise environment so I could actively monitor the patching operation while it's going. The script is setup to use a Master->Proxy->Endpoint architecture. It uses active PSRemote sessions from proxy hosts to command the endpoints to walk through their patching. Currently, this means state is on the proxies to spread the computation load. I was planning on centralizing it better in a third party backend before the project was pulled.
In my testing (circa 2017) the proxies could handle approx 30-50 live sessions. I modify the subshell launches to limit mem usage, which makes it easier to run more.
Bear in mind that this was meant to be glue code between Microsoft code and a large automation platform for an enterprise environment, so it won't make much sense for you otherwise. I keep it as reference for patching problems, as there's a lot of good solutions in here.
If I were to approach this now, I'd probably setup a message bus of some sort instead. I'd consider side-loading a script into the endpoints that could subscribe to the bus, and do a complete cleanup on itself after.
- Active sessions means you can include inline remediations for patching issues
- Easy to understand code (I hope)
- Need a lot of proxies, far less than optimal command and control channel utilization
- I mean, it's Windows