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Basic requirements of the static blog creation engine

Adnan Issadeen edited this page Mar 11, 2015 · 2 revisions

Common to all actions

The blog engine will require a configuration file at init time. This will tell which folder to place the content in. The content for the moment will follow the same structure throughout

This config file will also say how many posts to have on the front page at any given time.

Content Structure

Root folder
|  |-index.html
|  |-`2015-01.html
|  |-`2015-02.html
|  |-`2015-03.html

Other files may be placed inside the root folder which should be left alone by the blog engine. These might include pages like about.html etc

Creating a basic blog post

Given a title, text, and images, and a url, the blog engine should create a new post and add it to the top of the main page. It should also remove the last post from the main page if there are too many posts. The post should also be added to the relevant archive.

More on how the post should be created is described in the issues of the project

Updating a blog post

Give the post title, text, date, old url, and new url, the post should be updated on the index page (if it is there), and the archives

Deleting a blog post

Given a blog url, the post should be deleted from the index (if it is there) and the archives.