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=== FlexMLS® IDX Plugin ===
Tags: flexmls, IDX, MLS search
Contributors: flexmls
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 4.7.2
Stable tag:

Add FlexMLS® IDX listings, market statistics, IDX searches, and a contact form on your web site.

== Description ==

*Requirement: To activate the FlexMLS® IDX plugin, you must already be approved by your local MLS and FBS for FlexMLS® IDX. Currently, FBS only provides IDX services to agents and brokers who are members of an MLS that uses FlexMLS® Web.  Accordingly, if you are not a member of an MLS organization that uses FlexMLS® Web, this plugin won't be useful to you.*

The FlexMLS® IDX plugin includes six widgets you can add to your side bar, pages and posts.  The widgets are:

1. IDX Slideshow;
1. IDX Search;
1. Market Statistics;
1. 1-Click Location Searches;
1. 1-Click Custom Searches;
1. Contact Form.

*Live data from the MLS:* The IDX and market statistics widgets are all updated with IDX listing and statistics information live from the FlexMLS® Web system used by your local MLS.

Examples and documentation for the widgets can be found [here](

== Installation ==

The easiest way to install the plugin is to use the Add New Plugins function within WordPress and search for FlexMLS® IDX.


1. Upload the unzipped `flexmls-idx` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Go to **FlexMLS® IDX > Settings** in WordPress and enter your API key information
1. Add widgets to your sidebar, pages or posts using the tools provided.

== Screenshots ==

1. Add widgets to pages or posts using the included short-code creator.
2. Add graphs to your market analyses using the market stats widget.
3. Add widgets to your sidebar to introduce visitors to your IDX search.
4. Sample IDX slideshow and market stats widget.
5. Sample sidebar design.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Do I need to be approved for FlexMLS® IDX by my local MLS and FBS in order to use this plugin? =
Yes, this plugin requires an API key that is only available to approved members.

= How do I obtain API credentials? =
Please call FBS Broker Agent Services at 866-320-9977 or email <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected]</a> to purchase a key to activate your plugin.

== Changelog ==

= =
* Fixed: Issue where contact widget would not use a custom title in sidebars

= 3.5.11 =
* New: Contact/Lead Generation widget rebuilt for performance
* New: Honeypot on Lead Generation replaces old captcha
* New: Background process to clean up old and expired database entries
* Fixed: Issue where Google map didn't have height set for some agents
* Updated: Lead Generation widget rebuilt for speed and better integration with WordPress
* Updated: More API calls moved to Spark Platform using WordPress functions
* Updated: Updates README to point to new FlexMLS Settings section

= 3.5.10 =
* New: FlexMLS Options Panel to prepare for additional plugin features coming
* New: Brand new settings interface
* New: Under-the-hood improvements to speed and caching
* Fixed: Error when reusing API credentials before authorization token expires
* Updated: Caching system naming
* Updated: Security in settings panel

= =
* Fixed: Fixes an issue with over-aggressive caching causing listings not to display
* Fixed: Google map on listings overview page

= 3.5.9 =
* New: Added performance enhancements
* New: Old database entries cleaned up after cache expiration
* Fixed: Settings menu and Add Neighborhood menu no longer both highlighted/open when visiting those pages
* Fixed: Widget constructor error notice
* Fixed: Google Map script now only loads once
* Updated: WordPress-integrated API connection method for better performance
* Updated: Updates caching system for faster page loads (more to come)
* Updated: WordPress warnings and notices updated and only display to site administrators
* Updated: Support page in dashboard updated
* Updated: Installation instructions in README

= 3.5.8 =
* added Map View to the top-right of the search result pages
* Fixed URL protocol problem with portal login page (only happened in some versions of PHP)
* Added School District and Area to Location Search field (If MLS has allowed for the field to be used here)
* Added Page URL To Contact Me Widget Notification Messages

= 3.5.7 =
* Agent/Office Search Widget Is Fixed (Offices only)
* Listing Detail Fields No Longer Repeating When SEO Plugin Is Installed
* Removed tags for better mark-up
* Setting Status Field Not To Show In IDX Search Widget Fixed
* Removed Dollar Sign From Search Results and Listing Details If There Is Not A Listing Price
* Listing Address will now only display if it is public
* The plugin is now HTTPS/SSL friendly
* Added Flexmls icon to plugin installer
* Listing Address will display in title bar again for certain themes

= 3.5.6 =
* Some options not applying to widgets in shortcode generator
* Virtual Tours will now full expand in modal window
* 1-Click Location Search widget not applying selected IDX link
* Search Result pages can now handle fields with multiple values
* Agent list is hidden by default in the shortcode generator
* “Ask a Question” send button text will change to “Sending…” after being clicked.
* Plugin is ready for WordPress version 4.4

= 3.5.5 =
* Previous and Next buttons properly navigate in listing details
* Ask A Question form not displaying
* Location Search values with special characters are now applicable
* IDX Search widget selected Property and Sub Types remain selected in pagination links
* Improvements in handling IDX Slideshow fields
* Updates to PHP constructors for WordPress 4.3

= 3.5.4 =
* Supplements Added To Listing Detail Page
* "All" Option Added To Property Type List In Shortcode Generator
* Listing Status Filter Added To Shortcode Generator (Displays If Your Association Allows Solds In IDX)
* More Default Sort Options Available
* MLS # Now Included In Location Search Box Placeholder

Bugs fixed:
* Widget Settings Not Saving Under Appearance > Widgets
* Line Height Value Added To Location Search Box in IDX Search Widget
* New Line Break Added After The URL In The Message Notification Email
* Portal Registration Popup – Pages To Show Checkboxes Now Saving
* Property Type and Property Sub Types Selected Fields Maintained For Both Search Results and Listing Detail Pages.

= 3.5.3 =

* Fixed bug on admin pages that use tabs

= 3.5.2 =

* Captcha to the contact me widget to prevent spam
* If your association allows sold listings in IDX, you can now allow your users to search for sold listings in the IDX Search widget.
* IDX Slideshow will properly format the listing address (if shown)
* Added Line Height value to the location search box. This could only be seen on Internet Explorer
* PHP warnings property sub-type field have been removed from the IDX Search widget.
* For those that were experiencing a problem with your theme using font awesome the conflict has been resolved in this version.
* Location Search box line-height added to prevent placeholder text cut-off in IE
* Add box-sizing: content-box to CSS file to prevent the close button and navigation arrows from being hidden.

= 3.5.1 =

* Fixed bug that caused api key to be cleared when updating to 3.5.0

= 3.5.0 =

* All widgets are now responsive
* IDX Slideshow widget will now fade to the next set of listings
* Property Types are now check boxes in the IDX Search widget, which will allow users to select multiple property types
* Added Sub-Types to IDX Search widget and the shortcode generator
* New favorites icons
* Added mouse rollover text displays to explain each favorite icon
* IDX Listing Summary widget can now select multiple values from the Location Search box in the shortcode generator
* New color selector box in the shortcode generator
* Fixed displaying fields multiple times in the listing detail pages
* Remove curly brace from 1-Click Location Search HTML Title Attribute(minor)
* IDX List Number Search Property Type is no longer restricted

= 3.4.9 =

* Made shortcodes work with new tinyMCE api
* Fixed street address parameters for smart frame results
* Agent website links now open in a new window
* Property type is now included in 1-Click location searches
* Updated CSS for search fields
* Now caching portal api service

= 3.4.8 =

* Preventing oauth2 api requests when not authenticated

= 3.4.7 =

* Stable for WordPress version 3.8

= 3.4.6 =

* Fixed title for the search results widget
* Fixed pagination error for OnMarketDate

= 3.4.5 =

* Allowing contact sessions to be saved when php's autostart is turned on.

= 3.4.4 =

* Bug fix where schedule a showing errors on apostrophe
* Removed from email tags from email headers
* Changed Ajax error to be console log message

= 3.4.3 =

* Fixed bug where widgets would not save options on edit

= 3.4.2 =

* Constructor Warning message is fixed

= 3.4.1 =

* IDX links now get looked up individually per summary widget

= 3.4 =

* Fixed subdivision lookups
* Fixed a pagination bug for listing details
* Added email in schedule a showing messages
* Added listing carts
* Added Force Portal Registration Options
* Added Favorites, Possibilities and Reject Icons for listings
* Added more sort options to searches
* Added Status in details and search results
* Added portal logins
* Added the portal widget

= 3.3.2 =

* Fixed rare bug on agent search where Array could show as value for email
* Fixed bug in Field Order on Detail's page
* Removed Wildcard for search on Subdivisions

= 3.3.1 =

* Added MLS logo on summary and detail pages
* Preventing lead generation changes
* Fixed IE 8 issue where photos showed blue background on listing details
* Plugin's directory is now referenced correctly
* Location searches now show field names on all fields
* Fixed URL encoding bug on search results prefill

= 3.3 =

* Added Office Roster in the shortcode generator
* Added Documents to Listing Details
* Plugin no longer activate if cURL is not enabled
* Subdivisions will now work in shortcodes

= 3.2.4 =

* Full screen photo on details page now shows currently selected photo
* Now only one photo box will come up when selecting photos
* Details page now uses the api field ordering service
* Request a showing button will now work if agent name has an apostrophe
* Users can now choose how many days for new listings, open houses, etc.
* Fixed minor bug which would cause possible issues in the future with api requests
* Removed wildcard from uneccessary parameters in location search

= 3.2.3 =

* Added user side seting for number of search results

= 3.2.2 =

* Allow size changes of slideshow widget
* Added user side sort by options on search widget

= 3.2.1 =

* Fixed issue with apostrophe in city name
* Fixed double prefill of mlsareaminor searches

= 3.2 =

* Eliminate pass-by-reference to avoid deprecation errors on PHP 5.3
* Added Questions Button for lead generation to listing detail and search results
* Support additional IDX compliance rules
* Added new settings to allow site owner to choose "no available listing" page
* IDX search widget now complies with any saved search it is based on
* Changed presentation of rooms in listing details
* CSS changes to no longer obstruct content in dialogs
* Fixed padding issue in vertical slideshow
* Centered text in some search widget buttons

= 3.1.12 =

* Add Street Additional Info to listing addresses

= 3.1.11 =

* Bug fix for Map Overlay searches

= 3.1.10 =

* Wildcard searching for some location search fields

= 3.1.9 =

* Data fix for our Roanoke customers

= 3.1.8 =

* Remove Street Suffix and Street Direction Suffix from list of Property Attributes

= 3.1.7 =

* Added support for WordPress timezones in Listing Detail footer

= 3.1.6 =

* Added MLS# under the address on the listing details page

= 3.1.5 =

* Reverting some meta data changes for greater listing data support

= 3.1.4 =

* Suppressing some additional fields from summary section of details page that should not be shown

= 3.1.3 =

* Changed to use API meta data for labels and values

= 3.1.2 =

* Added new setting to allow multiple summary list widgets on a page if needed.  Not recommended for normal use

= 3.1.1 =

* Add MLS Area (minor) to location searching

= 3.1 =

* API db improvments
* Maintain last search criteria in search widget
* Schedule a Showing
* Allow address and subdivision location searching

= 3.0.11 =

* Fixed error when searching without a location input box

= 3.0.10 =

* Fixed error where site url confusion on www/non-www

= 3.0.9 =

* Fixed error when commas and dollar signs are entered and get 0 results

= 3.0.8 =

* Fixed trim error on listing detail

= 3.0.7 =

* Fields moved around api return, presentation fix

= 3.0.6 =

* Fix for boolean "main" custom fields as details
* Fix for bath fields
* Add the ability to force the display of the listing agent on the WordPress plugin detail page
* Fix title override from bleeding out
* Fix links and widgets from being broken when WordPress is referenced from different folder

= 3.0.5 =

* Fix for some broken image paths for IE users
* Fix for photo film strip for IE users
* Added some cache garbage collection to help keep the transient cache clean

= 3.0.4 =

* Changes so list prices with decimals display correctly without rounding
* Fix for listing price searches when using the IDX frame results
* Fix for the lead generation widget to properly send data and identify notification preference
* Changed assumed default for listing sorts in listing summary, slideshow and results widgets (assumes "price, high to low" if none given)
* Small fix to the Settings screen to help eliminate PHP notices in certain environments

= 3.0.3 =

* Improvements to speed up the plugin and API requests
* Fix to IDX search results widget to allow PostalCode and other location search fields as criteria
* Fix to photos when using multiple listing detail shortcodes

= 3.0.2 =

* Fix to IDX Search widget so submit button honors selected color in IE
* Small changes to IDX Slideshow widget to help longer lines fit without wrapping
* Fix to IDX search results widget to allow ListingId to be used as criteria

= 3.0.1 =

* Fix for issue with PHP error reporting levels and the new IDX Search widget features
* Flagged third party plugin as having conflicts due to Javascript errors

= 3.0.0 =

* Newly architected PHP API client for better speed, efficiency and features
* New option in IDX Slideshow to limit shown listings by agent if the site uses an office API key
* Lots of changes to IDX Search widget to support skins and new options
* New widget to integrate a summary list of listings (or search results) directly into a WP page
* New widget to integrate a detailed property report directly into a WP page
* New shortcodes for the 2 new integrated widgets
* Expanded and better organized settings screen under Settings > FlexMLS&reg; IDX
* Ability to turn on display of Listing Office for more control over IDX compliance
* Added the ability to rename property type labels shown to users (from Settings > FlexMLS&reg; IDX > Behavior)
* Fixed some issues with the recent change to IDX link pagination

= 2.4.2 =

* Fix for slideshow's missing/broken pagination

= 2.4.1 =

* Changes needed to support the IDX Links service's pagination update

= 2.4 =

* More minor updates to the IDX slideshow widget to better integrate with Facebook pages
* Fix to slideshow for broader IE compatibility
* Improved internal API session management to speed up requests and reduce session collisions (and associated errors)
* Plugin now correctly handles browser pre-fetching for those that support it
* Improved JSON parsing code.  Now automatically uses native PHP functions if available for much faster JSON parsing

= 2.3.3 =

* Minor update to the IDX slideshow widget to better support Facebook page integration

= 2.3.2 =

* Small Colorbox changes for the photo viewer for better viewing on Facebook pages
* Fixed a bug with Property Type conditions on My/Office/Company slideshow widgets

= 2.3 =

* Added notification option for site owners when a new lead is created
* Fixed some issues with magic_quotes and how quoted data is submitted to the plugin and API
* Removed the ability for site owners to disable API caching.  Cache can still be cleared manually from the Settings page

= 2.2 =

* Added Area and Subdivision to location search where enabled
* Upgraded Flot and Excanvas for better IE9 compatibility

= 2.1 =

* Added protection to block directory viewing on misconfigured servers
* Added a backup parsing method for URLs when $_GET isn't available
* CSS enhancements to better cope with theme conflicts
* Fixed market statistics graph compatibility issue with IE9
* Fixed an issue with the default handling of idx_frame settings

= 2.0 =

* Restricted portions of the address are now ignored
* Add new Neighborhood Page feature
* Changes to photo loading on the IDX Slideshow widget
* Enhanced IDX Slideshow to include additional, optional fields to show
* Enhanced IDX Slideshow to make additional calls to API for more slides
* Enhanced IDX Slideshow to allow sorting
* IDX Slideshow widget now uses the selected Saved Search link as part of the criteria for pulling listings
* New "My Office" and "My Company" filters for IDX Slideshow
* Calls to the FlexMLS&reg; API now include the version of the plugin being used
* CSS and Javascript changes to better integrate with themes and other plugins
* Fixed issue with IDX logo being too large in some cases

= 0.9.6 =

* Fixes an issue with the lead generation widget throwing an error in certain environments

= 0.9.5 =

* Contains fixes for some CSS styling conflicts with certain themes
* Fixes an issue where the location search selection isn't saved correctly under certain circumstances
* Fixes for element and widget positioning

= 0.9.3 =

* Contains fix for broken links to Javascript and styles

= 0.9.2 =

* Small fix to correct the displayed IDX logo

= 0.9.0 =

* This is a beta version.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 0.9.0 =
This is a beta version.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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