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NetBox is an IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.


$ helm repo add bootc
$ helm install bootc/netbox


  • This chart has only been tested on Kubernetes 1.12+, but should work on older versions
  • This chart works with NetBox 2.7.11+
  • Recent versions of Helm 2 or 3 are supported

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release and default configuration:

$ helm repo add bootc
$ helm install --name my-release bootc/netbox

The default configuration includes the required PostgreSQL and Redis database services, but either or both may be managed externally if required.

Uninstalling the Chart

To delete the chart:

$ helm delete my-release


From 1.x to 2.x

If you use an external Redis you will need to update your configuration values due to the chart reflecting upstream changes in how it uses Redis. There are now separate Redis configuration blocks for webhooks and for caching, though they can both point at the same Redis instance as long as the database numbers are different.

From 0.x to 1.x

The chart dependencies on PostgreSQL and Redis have been upgraded, so you may need to take action depending on how you have configured the chart. The PostgreSQL chart was upgraded from 5.x.x to 7.x.x, and Redis from 8.x.x to 9.x.x.


The following table lists the configurable parameters for this chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount The desired number of NetBox pods 1
image.repository NetBox container image repository netboxcommunity/netbox
image.tag NetBox container image tag v2.8.3
image.pullPolicy NetBox container image pull policy IfNotPresent Initial super-user account to create admin Email address for the initial super-user account [email protected]
superuser.password Password for the initial super-user account admin
superuser.apiToken API token created for the initial super-user account 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
skipStartupScripts Skip netbox-docker startup scripts true
allowedHosts List of valid FQDNs for this NetBox instance ["*"]
admins List of admins to email about critical errors [] Banner text to display at the top of every page ""
banner.bottom Banner text to display at the bottom of every page ""
banner.login Banner text to display on the login page ""
basePath Base URL path if accessing NetBox within a directory ""
cacheTimeout Cached object time-to-live, in seconds 900 (15 minutes)
changelogRetention Maximum number of days to retain logged changes (0 = forever) 90
cors.originAllowAll CORS: allow all origins false
cors.originWhitelist CORS: list of origins authorised to make cross-site HTTP requests []
cors.originRegexWhitelist CORS: list of regex strings matching authorised origins []
debug Enable NetBox debugging (NOT for production use) false
email.server SMTP server to use to send emails localhost
email.port TCP port to connect to the SMTP server on 25
email.username Optional username for SMTP authentication ""
email.password Password for SMTP authentication (see also existingSecret) ""
email.timeout Timeout for SMTP connections, in seconds 10
email.from Sender address for emails sent by NetBox ""
enforceGlobalUnique Enforce unique IP space in the global table (not in a VRF) false
exemptViewPermissions A list of models to exempt from the enforcement of view permissions []
logging Custom Django logging configuration {}
loginRequired Permit only logged-in users to access NetBox false (unauthenticated read-only access)
maintenanceMode Display a "maintenance mode" banner on every page false
maxPageSize Maximum number of objects that can be returned by a single API call 1000
napalm.username Username used by the NAPALM library to access network devices ""
napalm.password Password used by the NAPALM library (see also existingSecret) ""
napalm.timeout Timeout for NAPALM to connect to a device (in seconds) 30
napalm.args A dictionary of optional arguments to pass to NAPALM {}
paginateCount The default number of objects to display per page in the web UI 50
plugins Additional plugins to load into NetBox []
pluginsConfig Configuration for the additional plugins {}
preferIPv4 Prefer devices' IPv4 address when determining their primary address false
remoteAuth.enabled Enable remote authentication support false
remoteAuth.backend Remote authentication backend class utilities.auth_backends.RemoteUserBackend
remoteAuth.header The name of the HTTP header which conveys the username HTTP_REMOTE_USER
remoteAuth.autoCreateUser Enables the automatic creation of new users true
remoteAuth.defaultGroups A list of groups to assign to newly created users []
remoteAuth.defaultPermissions A list of permissions to assign newly created users []
releaseCheck.timeout How often NetBox queries GitHub for new releases, if enabled 86400
releaseCheck.url Release check URL (GitHub API URL; see values.yaml) null (disabled by default)
metricsEnabled Expose Prometheus metrics at the /metrics HTTP endpoint false
timeZone The time zone NetBox will use when dealing with dates and times UTC
dateFormat Django date format for long-form date strings "N j, Y"
shortDateFormat Django date format for short-form date strings "Y-m-d"
timeFormat Django date format for long-form time strings "g:i a"
shortTimeFormat Django date format for short-form time strings "H:i:s"
dateTimeFormat Django date format for long-form date and time strings "N j, Y g:i a"
shortDateTimeFormat Django date format for short-form date and time strongs "Y-m-d H:i"
secretKey Django secret key used for sessions and password reset tokens "" (generated)
existingSecret Use an existing Kubernetes Secret for secret values (see below) "" (use individual chart values)
postgresql.enabled Deploy PostgreSQL using bundled Bitnami PostgreSQL chart true
postgresql.postgresqlUsername Username to create for NetBox in bundled PostgreSQL instance netbox
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase Databaes to create for NetBox in bundled PostgreSQL instance netbox
postgresql.* Values under this key are passed to the bundled PostgreSQL chart n/a PostgreSQL host to use when postgresql.enabled is false localhost
externalDatabase.port Port number for external PostgreSQL 5432
externalDatabase.database Database name for external PostgreSQL netbox
externalDatabase.username Username for external PostgreSQL netbox
externalDatabase.password Password for external PostgreSQL (see also existingSecret) ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretName Fetch password for external PostgreSQL from a different Secret ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretKey Key to fetch the password in the above Secret postgresql-password
redis.enabled Deploy Redis using bundled Bitnami Redis chart true
redis.* Values under this key are passed to the bundled Redis chart n/a
webhooksRedis.database Redis database number used for NetBox webhooks queue 0
webhooksRedis.timeout Redis connection timeout, in seconds 300 (5 minutes)
webhooksRedis.ssl Enable SSL when connecting to Redis false Redis host to use when redis.enabled is false "netbox-redis"
webhooksRedis.port Port number for external Redis 6379
webhooksRedis.sentinels List of sentinels in host:port form (host and port not used) []
webhooksRedis.sentinelService Sentinel master service name "netbox-redis"
webhooksRedis.password Password for external Redis (see also existingSecret) ""
webhooksRedis.existingSecretName Fetch password for external Redis from a different Secret ""
webhooksRedis.existingSecretKey Key to fetch the password in the above Secret redis-password
cachingRedis.database Redis database number used for caching views 1
cachingRedis.timeout Redis connection timeout, in seconds 300 (5 minutes)
cachingRedis.ssl Enable SSL when connecting to Redis false Redis host to use when redis.enabled is false "netbox-redis"
cachingRedis.port Port number for external Redis 6379
cachingRedis.sentinels List of sentinels in host:port form (host and port not used) []
cachingRedis.sentinelService Sentinel master service name "netbox-redis"
cachingRedis.password Password for external Redis (see also existingSecret) ""
cachingRedis.existingSecretName Fetch password for external Redis from a different Secret ""
cachingRedis.existingSecretKey Key to fetch the password in the above Secret redis-password
imagePullSecrets List of Secret names containing private registry credentials []
nameOverride Override the application name (netbox) used throughout the chart ""
fullnameOverride Override the full name of resources created as part of the release ""
persistence.enabled Enable storage persistence for uploaded media (images) true
persistence.existingClaim Use an existing PersistentVolumeClaim instead of creating one ""
persistence.subPath Mount a sub-path of the volume into the container, not the root ""
persistence.storageClass Set the storage class of the PVC (use - to disable provisioning) ""
persistence.accessMode Access mode for the volume ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Size of persistent volume to request 1Gi
reportsPersistence.enabled Enable storage persistence for NetBox reports false
reportsPersistence.existingClaim Use an existing PersistentVolumeClaim instead of creating one ""
reportsPersistence.subPath Mount a sub-path of the volume into the container, not the root ""
reportsPersistence.storageClass Set the storage class of the PVC (use - to disable provisioning) ""
reportsPersistence.accessMode Access mode for the volume ReadWriteOnce
reportsPersistence.size Size of persistent volume to request 1Gi
service.type Type of Service resource to create ClusterIP
service.port Port number for the service 80
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges A list of allowed IP ranges when service.type is LoadBalancer []
ingress.enabled Create an Ingress resource for accessing NetBox false
ingress.annotations Extra annotations to apply to the Ingress resource {}
ingress.hosts List of hosts and paths to map to the service (see values.yaml) [{host:"chart-example.local",paths:["/"]}]
ingress.tls TLS settings for the Ingress resource []
resources Configure resource requests or limits for NetBox {}
nginx.image.repository NGINX container image repository for proxy and static file serving nginx
nginx.image.tag NGINX container image tag 1.16.0-alpine
nginx.image.pullPolicy NGINX container image pull policy IfNotPresent
nginx.resources Configure resource requests or limits for NGINX {}
podAnnotations Additional annotations for NetBox pods {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
updateStrategy Configure deployment update strategy {} (defaults to RollingUpdate)
affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
extraEnvs Additional environment variables to set in the NetBox container []
extraVolumeMounts Additional volumes to mount in the NetBox container []
extraVolumes Additional volumes to reference in pods []
extraContainers Additional sidecar containers to be added to pods []
extraInitContainers Additional init containers to run before starting main containers []

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install or provide a YAML file containing the values for the above parameters:

$ helm install --name my-release bootc/netbox --values values.yaml

Using an Existing Secret

Rather than specifying passwords and secrets as part of the Helm release values, you may pass these to NetBox using a pre-existing Secret resource. When using this, the Secret must contain the following keys:

Key Description Required?
db_password The password for the external PostgreSQL database If postgresql.enabled is false and externalDatabase.existingSecretName is unset
email_password SMTP user password Yes, but the value may be left blank if not required
napalm_password NAPALM user password Yes, but the value may be left blank if not required
redis_password Password for the external Redis tasks database If redis.enabled is false and webhooksRedis.existingSecretName is unset
redis_cache_password Password for the external Redis cache database If redis.enabled is false and cachingRedis.existingSecretName is unset
secret_key Django session and password reset token encryption key Yes, and should be 50+ random characters


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