Search for exact KNN for high dimensional dataset using Limes algorithm based on
- Support Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance and cosine distance.
- Searching is seperate from the index creation process.
- Builds index on the main memory.
- Gurantees 100% recall.
LIMESKNN.create(Dataset, IDistance, Number of exemplar, isDistance) - Returns a LIMESKNN object with indexed dataset.
- Dataset: N x d float matrix, where N is the number of records in the data and d is the dimention of each record.
- IDistance: Accepts an implementaion of IDistance interface (Euclidean, Manhattan or Cosine).
- Number of exemplar: default to sqrt(N), increasing number of exemplar require higher memory usage.
- isDistance: True for Euclidean and Manhattan, false for Cosine.
-, k) - Returns K nearest neighbor of the "query" using LIMES-KNN algorithm
- query: d-dimensional float vector
- k: Number of nearest neighbor