A frontend to https://battles.eos.io/ contracts in pure PHP.
Uses the https://github.com/soulseekah/phpeosio library.
composer install
Requires an HTTP node running on localhost:8888
Run with php -S localhost:9000
Use only with local tesnets!
All signing is done on the server-side, meaning the key is passed to the server. This is insecure. Keys should be stored in localStorage, signing done on the client-side (browser eosio-js), preferably using browser wallets.
Because Re(act|dux) is too damn complicated and fancy. Us backend programmers prefer beckend programming. And the less JavaScript the better :)
Built with a router, Twig, TailwindCSS.
- Lesson 1
- Lesson 2
- Lesson 3
- Lesson 4
- Lesson 5
- Lesson 6
- Lesson 7
- Lesson 8