####To get started run the below command to start apache zeppelin at localhost and spin up the container
- sh ./start_zeppelin.sh
####Open the below URL in your browser to access zeppelin at port 8082
####Import pre-created notebooks in the notebooks_repository directory one by one using the Web UI.
####Access the notebooks in the notebook section of the Web UI.
####Open the tutorial notebooks.
####Open the log files in the /data/tutorial directory and observe the data to be ingested.
####Go through the code in the notebook and try executing each paragraph to load the file and start the stream.
####Once the stream has been started, try copying each of the log files from ./data/tutorial folder and place it in the ./data directory.Execute the output query every time a single log file is copied and observe the output for each output mode.
####To stop the apache zeppelin server and kill the container
- sh ./stop_zeppelin.sh