Tools for badge generation for ActivityPub implemented microblogs.
It can be created on the Web.
fedibadges.sonyakun.com is hosted on Vercel's Hobby Plan. Please consider self-hosting when generating a large number of badges, for example.
Enter an account name such as Misskey in the username field. (Example: cocoa_vrc
The account name is the string of characters following @, excluding the domain.
For host, enter the domain of the server. (Example: misskey.io
The following three icon types are available:
Once everything is entered, click Generate to generate the image. The URL and copy button will appear below the generated image.
Due to a known issue, the Node.js version must be set to 18 and the Python version to 3.9 when used with Vercel.
tested on Vercel.
Install pipenv.
After that, change the python_version in the Pipfile to 3.12 (if you are using 3.12).
Run pipenv install
in the fedbadges directory and run pipenv run serve
after completion to start it.
GitHub Corners by @tholman
Misskey logo by Misskey
Mastodon lobo by Mastodon
ActivityPub logo by WikiMedia Commons