Gesichte für Visual Studio Code
Stories: a cool way of sharing code snippets with other developers.
You can download Stories from the VSCode Marketplace.
Du kansch die Stories von VSCode Marketplace abelade.
or search stories
in your VSCode Extensions
Once you have it, you should see stories
in VSCode similar to this:
oder stories
i dini VSCode Extensions sueche
Once you have it, you should see stories
in VSCode similar to this:
Wenn du das hesch, du kannsch die stories
in VSCode änlich so aluege:
You can click the Stories Icon button or open up the panel to access the stories.
Once you have that open up, click on anyone's profile picture, and you'll be shown a snippet of their code of what they're currently working on, thus Stories!
Du kannsch die Gesichte Icon Knopfe oder die Panel zu accessiere
Wenn du das geöffne hasch, drucke jemandens Profil Bild gsi, und du kannsch ei snippet von di Code von
- To upload your own story, click the Create Story button on the bottom right.
And voila, you published your very own VSCode Story!
- Zu dini story obelade, drucke die Story Knopf in die Unter rechts.
Und voila, du hesch dini selbere VSCode Story!
If you are an enthusiastic open-source contributor, do read the guidelines before your PRs.
All contributing guidelines are available (at)
Other documentations related to troubleshooting is here
Wann du ein enthusiatich Contributor gsi, kannsch du die Guidelines lese.
If you are an enthusiastic open-source contributor, do read the guidelines before your PRs.
All contributing guidelines are available (at)
Alli guidelines isch verfügbar gsi bei
Other documentations related to troubleshooting is here
Anderi documentations mit troubleshooting isch hier
- Thanks to JessicaDosseh for her logo contribution
- Danke Viumals für JessicaDosseh für sini Logo Contributions gsi.
- Und BaselHack Team 7 @D3trukt0r(Manuele Vaccari), @hexagon6, @bar9 (Roland Brand), @sommerda(David Sommer), @Lukas für die Zama Teamarbeit gsi.