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andreiqvik edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 16 revisions

Overriding Image Assets

Using the API delegate method ninchat(session:overrideImageAssetForKey:) you may supply your own Image assets as UIImage objects. See the table below for explanations on the supported asset keys.

Note that all the buttons may not be available in the UI. All the assets should be transparent where there is no color.

Asset key Related UI control(s) Notes
ninchatIconLoader Progress indicator icon in queue view.
ninchatIconChatWritingIndicator User is typing.. Indicator icon in chat bubble Should be animated.
ninchatChatBackground Chat view's repeating texture. Should be repeatable (tiling).
ninchatChatAvatarLeft Placeholder avatar icon for others' messages.
ninchatChatAvatarRight Placeholder avatar icon for my messages.
ninchatChatPlayVideo Play icon for videos
ninchatIconTextareaCamera Start video call button
ninchatIconTextareaAttachment Add attachment button
ninchatIconDownload Download button icon
ninchatIconVideoToggleFull Expand video to fullscreen
ninchatIconVideoToggleNormal Shrink video to fit a window
ninchatIconVideoSoundOn Sound is enabled
ninchatIconVideoSoundOff Sound is muted
ninchatIconVideoMicrophoneOn Microphone is enabled
ninchatIconVideoMicrophoneOff Microphone is muted
ninchatIconVideoCameraOn Camera is on
ninchatIconVideoCameraOff Camera is off
ninchatIconVideoHangup End the video call
ninchatIconRatingPositive Ratings view positive icon
ninchatIconRatingNeutral Ratings view neutral icon
ninchatIconRatingNegative Ratings view negative icon
ninchatQuestionnaireBackground Questionnaire view's repeating texture. Should be repeatable (tiling).
ninchatIconMetadata Metadata messages' icon

Overriding Color Assets

Using the API delegate method ninchat(session:overrideColorAssetForKey:) you may supply your own color assets as UIColor objects. See the table below for explanations on the supported asset keys.

Asset key Related UI control(s)
ninchatColorButtonPrimaryText Text on 'primary' buttons
ninchatColorButtonSecondaryText Text on 'secondary' buttons
ninchatColorInfoText Chat view's meta information (eg. 'Chat started')
ninchatColorChatName User name above chat bubbles
ninchatColorChatTimestamp Timestamp above chat bubbles
ninchatColorChatBubbleLeftText Text in others' chat messages
ninchatColorChatBubbleRightText Text in my chat messages
ninchatColorChatBubbleLeftTint Background color for left side chat bubbles
ninchatColorChatBubbleRightTint Background color for right side chat bubbles
ninchatColorTextareaText Chat input text
ninchatColorTextareaSubmitText Text of the submit button title
ninchatColorTextareaPlaceholder Chat input placeholder
ninchatColorChatBubbleLeftLink Link color in others' messages
ninchatColorChatBubbleRightLink Link color in my messages
ninchatColorModalTitleText Text in 'modal dialogs'
ninchatColorTextTop Text in top parts of some views
ninchatColorTextBottom Text in bottom parts of some views
ninchatColorLink Link color (except in chat bubbles)
ninchatColorRatingPositiveText Text of the positive rating button
ninchatColorRatingNeutralText Text of the neutral rating button
ninchatColorRatingNegativeText Text of the negative rating button
ninchatColorTitlebarCloseText Text of the close button in the titlebar
ninchatColorCloseText Text of the close button when the agent closes the chat
ninchatColorCloseChatText Text of the close button in other places, e.g. queue page
ninchatColorChatBubbleComposeTint Background color for Compose Messages' bubbles

Overriding UIKit Layers

Starting version 0.4.0, the SDK introduces ninchat(session:overrideLayer) delegate as a more sophisticated approach for overriding UIKit elements. By benefiting from CALayer , the application can apply any UI changes including border width and radius, background colors and gradients, and many other options. The below is a list of supported overriding options, which would be extended in a near future.

Asset Key Related UIControl(s)
ninchatTitlebarCloseButton Chat Close Button in the titlebar
ninchatChatCloseButton Chat Close Button when the agent closes the chat
ninchatCloseButton Chat Close Button in other places, e.g. queue page
ninchatTextareaSubmitButton Chat Text Area Send Button
ninchatPrimaryButton All Primary Buttons
ninchatSecondaryButton All Secondary Buttons
ninchatTitlebarCloseEmptyButton Chat Close Button With No Title in the titlebar
ninchatChatCloseEmptyButton Chat Close Button when the agent closes the chat With No Title
ninchatCloseEmptyButton Chat Close Button With No Title in other places, e.g. queue page
ninchatModalTop Top Part In Some Views
ninchatModalBottom Bottom Part In Some Views
ninchatBackgroundTop Background Of Top Part In Some Views
ninchatBackgroundBottom Background Of Bottom Part In Some Views
ninchatQuestionnaireRadioSelected Questionnaire 'Radio' When Selected
ninchatQuestionnaireRadioUnselected Questionnaire 'Radio' When Unselected
ninchatQuestionnaireNavigationNext Questionnaire 'Next' Button
ninchatQuestionnaireNavigationBack Questionnaire 'Back' Button
ninchatMetadataContainer Metadata messages
ninchatComposeSelectedButton Button in Compose Messages when is selected
ninchatComposeUnselectedButton Button in Compose Messages when is unselected
ninchatComposeSubmitSelectedButton Submit button in Compsoe Messages when is selected
ninchatComposeSubmitButton Submit button in Compsoe Messages when is unselected
ninchatColorTextareaTextInput TextArea input
ninchatQuestionnaireCheckbox Checkbox's shape in questionnaires

Overriding Questionnaire Color Assets

Starting version 0.3.0, the SDK supports questionnaire feature before the chat starts and after the chat is finished. Using the API delegate method ninchat(session:overrideQuestionnaireColorAssetKey) you may supply your own color assets as UIColor objects. See the table below for explanations on the supported asset keys.

Asset key Related UI control(s)
ninchatQuestionnaireColorTitleText Text on Title items
ninchatQuestionnaireColorTextInput Text on Input items
ninchatColorTextareaSelectedText Background color of the selected text inside a chat input
ninchatQuestionnaireColorRadioSelectedText Text on 'primary' Radio buttons
ninchatQuestionnaireColorRadioUnselectedText Text on 'secondary' Radio buttons
ninchatQuestionnaireColorCheckboxSelectedText Text on 'primary' Checkbox items
ninchatQuestionnaireColorCheckboxUnselectedText Text on 'secondary' Checkbox items
ninchatQuestionnaireCheckboxSelectedIndicator Tint and border on 'primary' Checkbox items
ninchatQuestionnaireCheckboxUnselectedIndicator Tint and border on 'secondary' Checkbox items
ninchatQuestionnaireColorSelectSelectedText Text, indicator, and border color for 'selected' state on Select items
ninchatQuestionnaireColorSelectUnselectText Text, indicator, and border color for 'normal' state on Select items
ninchatQuestionnaireSelectSelected Background on 'selected' state on Select items
ninchatQuestionnaireSelectUnselected Background on 'unselected' state on Select items
ninchatQuestionnaireColorNavigationNextText Text and border on Next navigation button
ninchatQuestionnaireColorNavigationBackText Text and border on Back navigation button
ninchatQuestionnaireColorTextInputBorder Border color for Text Input items
ninchatQuestionnaireColorTextInputErrorBorder Border color for Text Input items when the input is not valid
ninchatQuestionnaireColorSelectBorder Border color for Select items
ninchatQuestionnaireColorBubble Background color for conversation-style questionnaire bubbles

Breaking Changes

Starting version 0.5.1, the SDK has removed old keys for overriding assets. If you have not yet updated your application, you can clone the old version of on branch wiki-v1 and find suitable alternatives.