Terraform-Module for creating security-groups for terraform v0.11.x. In future releases of terraform a lot of this hopefully won't be necessary anymore.
Till then, we hope this module can help others out there. Good Luck!
see variables.tf
caution!! Due to terraform the following is absolutley important To be able to generate security_groups with a dynamic amount of ingress/egress rules some tripwires should be known
- each Port defined in one of the *_rules-variables will lead to a new rule for this port
- for each Port a protocol has to be defined, even if they are all the same
- in cidr_based rules, it is possible to define multiple cidr-blocks per rule. In this case the Delimiter for 2 rules is '~~~'
- security_group_id: The ID of the created security-group
module "security_group_webserver" {
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]:solutionDrive/terraform-security-group.git"
# Basic stuff
profile = "Name of AWS Profile to use"
name = "name_of_your_security_group"
description = "desctiption of your security group"
vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"
# cidr-rules related stuff
cidr_ingress_rules = {
"ports" = "80~~~443~~~22"
"protocols" = "tcp~~~tcp~~~tcp"
"cidr_blocks" = "your.ip.address.here/32,your.second.ip.address/32~~~your.ip.address.here/32,your.second.ip.address/32~~~"
"descriptions" = "your-description-here,somebody-elses-desciption~~~still-your-description-here,still-somebody-elses-desciption~~~the evil rest"
cidr_ingress_rules_count = 3 # This count has to equal the amount of Ports defined in <cidr_ingress_rules>
# security_group related stuff
security_group_ingress_rules = {
"ports" = "6379"
"protocols" = "tcp"
"source_security_groups" = "self"
"descriptions" = "That is me"
security_group_ingress_rules_count = 1 # This count has to equal the amount of Ports defined in <security_group_ingress_rules>
provider_region = "${var.default_region}"
# assume_role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AnotherRole # Assume 'AnotherRole' to create security group
+ module.security_group_webserver.aws_security_group.security_group
description: "desctiption of your security group"
egress.#: "<computed>"
ingress.#: "<computed>"
name: "name_of_your_security_group"
owner_id: "<computed>"
tags.%: "1"
tags.Name: "name_of_your_security_group"
vpc_id: "${var.vpc_id}"
+ module.security_group_webserver.aws_security_group_rule.cidr_ingress_rule.0
cidr_blocks.#: "2"
cidr_blocks.0: "your.ip.address.here/32"
cidr_blocks.1: "your.second.ip.address/32"
from_port: "80"
protocol: "tcp"
security_group_id: "${aws_security_group.security_group.id}"
self: "false"
source_security_group_id: "<computed>"
to_port: "80"
type: "ingress"
+ module.security_group_webserver.aws_security_group_rule.cidr_ingress_rule.1
cidr_blocks.#: "2"
cidr_blocks.0: "your.ip.address.here/32"
cidr_blocks.1: "your.second.ip.address/32"
from_port: "443"
protocol: "tcp"
security_group_id: "${aws_security_group.security_group.id}"
self: "false"
source_security_group_id: "<computed>"
to_port: "443"
type: "ingress"
+ module.security_group_webserver.aws_security_group_rule.cidr_ingress_rule.2
cidr_blocks.#: "1"
cidr_blocks.0: ""
from_port: "22"
protocol: "tcp"
security_group_id: "${aws_security_group.security_group.id}"
self: "false"
source_security_group_id: "<computed>"
to_port: "22"
type: "ingress"
+ module.security_group_webserver.aws_security_group_rule.sg_ingress_rule
from_port: "6379"
protocol: "tcp"
security_group_id: "${aws_security_group.security_group.id}"
self: "false"
source_security_group_id: "${element(split(\",\", var.security_group_ingress_rules[\"source_security_groups\"]), count.index) == \"self\" ? aws_security_group.security_group.id : element(split(\",\", var.security_group_ingress_rules[\"source_security_groups\"]), count.index)}"
to_port: "6379"
type: "ingress"