Hekate is a commandline-application to manage repositories hosted on services like bitbucket from your local command line
At the moment the only supported Provider is Bitbucket. Others like github will follow
git clone https://github.com/solutionDrive/hekate.git
Install Dependencies via composer
composer install --no-dev
php bin/hekate bitbucket:init [-f|--force] [-c|--config=PATH_TO_CONFIGFILE]
will ask questions about setting-parameters and write it to the file hekate.yml in the root-folder. If file already exists, no questions are asked and an info is displayed. With the --force option questions and creation of a new config-file is enabled, even if a file already exists
The available settings for Hekate are:
- Bitbucket-Account
- Bitbucket-Username
- Bitbucket-Password
php bin/hekate bitbucket:repo-list [-u|--username=USERNAME] [-p|--password=PASSWORD] [-a|--account=ACCOUNT] [-k|--projectkey=PROJECTKEY] [-c|--config=PATH_TO_CONFIGFILE]
will get a List of all Repositories for repositorys for the given parameters. All Parameters are optional for the commandline. The following Parameters will be asked if omitted:
- username
- password
- account
- [ADDED] Option to Commands for alternative config-files
- [CHANGED] AbstractHekateCommand is now AbstractBitbucketCommand
- v0.1
- [ADDED] Command for Config-Init
- [ADDED] YAML-Component for reading / writing Config-Files
- [ADDED] possibility to filter the repository-List for a given projectkey
- [ADDED] added command to get a list of all repositories for a given account