Easily integrate PHP application with saman bank payment.
$ composer require soltanihossein/saman-payment
Attention: The Saman Bank webservice just available with IP that allowed with Saman Bank.
use SoltaniHossein\Saman\Saman;
* @param int $merchantId (required) The Saman gateway merchant id
$saman = new Saman($merchantId);
* @param int $amount (required) The amount that customer must pay
* @param string $callbackUrl (required) The url that customer redirect to after payment
* @param int $orderId (optional) The unique order id, generate by package if value passed null
* @param int $additionalData (optional) addition data
* @method request Return array contain transaction `token` and you can save.
* $token = $response;
$response = $saman->request($amount, $callbackUrl, $invoiceId);
* Redirect user to payment gateway
echo $saman->redirect();
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
echo $exception->getMessage();
Customer redirect to callback url with all transaction data and you must verify transaction.
use SoltaniHossein\Saman\Saman;
* @param int $merchantId (required) The Saman gateway merchant id
$saman = new Saman($merchantId);
* @method $verify return array of transaction data.
$response = $saman->verify($amount);
echo "Successful payment ...";
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
echo $exception->getMessage();
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