This repository holds the sources for the Solr plugin repository. You find a human readable representation at
To use this repository, add it to your Solr installation:
solr package add-repo
solr package list-available
solr package install AWESOME_PLUGIN_NAME
This repository acts as a proxy repository. We do not build or maintain the plugins ourselves. We distribute them via this repository to provide a easy, unified access to these awesome Solr plugins.
- Sematext Test Plugin ;-)
- File a issue in this repository. This helps us to keep track of new and cool Solr plugins
- Add the plugin descriptor in the
directory, a single file per plugin. If you have multiple versions and/or Solr target versions, add them to the file as well.
This is a guide to test your contribution.
There is a bats test suite in place that checks availability of all available plugins and installs and deploys them into a Solr test instance.
Build the repository locally and launch a Solr/Zookeeper/
Repository ensemble in Docker. You can access the Solr admin
interface on localhost:8983. The
local repository is available at repo:8080
from inside the Docker
$ ./
$ docker-compose -f test/docker-compose.yaml up -d
Add the local repository to the Solr test instance.
$ docker exec -it solr solr package add-repo http://repo:8080
Install your plugin (we use the thymeleaf
plugin in this case)
$ docker exec -it solr solr package install thymeleaf
To verify we can deploy the plugin into a existing collection, we create the example films collection and index some data.
$ docker exec -it solr solr create -c films
$ docker exec -it solr post -c films example/films/films.json
Afterwards we deploy the thymeleaf
plugin into the created
films collection
$ docker exec -it solr solr package deploy thymeleaf -collections films