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How to specify interfaces, volumes, hw sensors, applications, components to be monitored on a Node

Daria edited this page May 1, 2024 · 1 revision

How to discover Interfaces on Node?

To discover Interfaces on Node an INVOKE of the DiscoverInterfacesOnNode verb on Orion.NPM.Interfaces entity can be used.

NodeID is needed.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "NodeID": 1

Example Response

Given example responded with one monitored Interface in Orion, and the other one is not monitored interface of a Node.

    "DiscoveredInterfaces": [
            "ifIndex": 1,
            "Caption": "interface_caption",
            "ifType": 6,
            "ifSubType": 0,
            "InterfaceID": 1,
            "Manageable": true,
            "ifSpeed": 0.0,
            "ifAdminStatus": 1,
            "ifOperStatus": 1
            "ifIndex": 2,
            "Caption": "interface2_caption",
            "ifType": 6,
            "ifSubType": 0,
            "InterfaceID": 0,
            "Manageable": true,
            "ifSpeed": 0.0,
            "ifAdminStatus": 1,
            "ifOperStatus": 2
    "Result": 0

"Result": 0 indicates that operation succeeded.

Other possible responses are "Result": 1 for Invalid Node error, and "Result": 2 for Generic Error.

How to add interfaces on a Node?

AddInterfacesOnNode verb of the Orion.NPM.Interfaces entity can be used to add certain interfaces for a Node.

To get Interfaces of the Node described above DiscoverInterfacesOnNode verb can be used.

Node ID is needed.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "nodeId": 38,
    "interfacesToAdd": [
            "ifIndex": 3,
            "Caption": "interface_caption",
            "ifType": 6,
            "ifSubType": 0,
            "InterfaceID": 0,
            "Manageable": true,
            "ifSpeed": "0.0",
            "ifAdminStatus": 1,
            "ifOperStatus": 2
    "pollers": "AddDefaultPollers" 

Example Response

Response contains new Interface Discovery Information, where InterfaceID obtains its new value, as the Interface started to be monitored by Orion.

    "DiscoveredInterfaces": [
            "ifIndex": 3,
            "Caption": "interface_caption",
            "ifType": 6,
            "ifSubType": 0,
            "InterfaceID": 591,
            "Manageable": true,
            "ifSpeed": 0.0,
            "ifAdminStatus": 1,
            "ifOperStatus": 2
    "Result": 0

"Result": 0 indicates that operation succeeded.

Other possible responses are "Result": 1 for Invalid Node error, and "Result": 2 for Generic Error.

How to Remanage Interface on a Node?

Remanage verb of the Orion.NPM.Interfaces entity can be used to start managing certain interfaces on a Node.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "netObjectId": "I:120"

Example Response

Returns Status 200 OK and updates data.

How to Unmanage Interface on a Node?

Umanage verb of the Orion.NPM.Interfaces entity can be used to start managing certain interfaces on a Node.


  • netObjectId (System.String)
  • Unmanage and Remanage time (System.DateTime)
  • isRelative (System.Boolean)

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

Current example is for unmanaging the Interface with ID 120 from today to unspecified time.

    "netObjectId": "I:120",
    "unmanageTime": "2024-04-17",
    "remanageTime": "9999-01-01",
    "isRelative" : 0

Example Response

Returns Status 200 OK and updates data.

How to Remanage Volume on a Node?

Remanage verb of the Orion.Volumes entity can be used to start managing certain Volumes on a Node.


  • netObjectId (System.String)

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "netObjectId": "V:120"

Example Response

Returns Status 200 OK and updates data.

How to Unmanage Volumes on a Node?

Umanage verb of the Orion.Volumes entity can be used to start managing certain interfaces of the Node.


  • netObjectId (System.String)
  • Unmanage and Remanage time (System.DateTime)
  • isRelative (System.Boolean)

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "netObjectId": "V:120"

Example Response

Current example is for unmanaging the Volume with ID 120 from today to unspecified time.

    "netObjectId": "V:120",
    "unmanageTime": "2024-04-17",
    "remanageTime": "9999-01-01",
    "isRelative" : 0

How to Enable HW Sensors on a Node?

EnableSensors verb of the Orion.HardwareHealth.HardwareItemBase entity can be used to enable certain HW Sensors of the Node.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "hardwareItems": [
            "HardwareInfoID": 2,
            "HardwareCategoryStatusId": 4,
            "UniqueName": "PowerSupplySensor.1006"

Example Response

Returns null with 200 OK status.

How to Disable HW Sensors on a Node?

DisableSensors verb of the Orion.HardwareHealth.HardwareItemBase entity can be used to disable certain HW Sensors of the Node.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "hardwareItems": [
            "HardwareInfoID": 2,
            "HardwareCategoryStatusId": 4,
            "UniqueName": "PowerSupplySensor.1006"

Example Response

Returns null with 200 OK status.

How to Export APM Application Template?

ExportTemplate verb on Orion.APM.ApplicationTemplate entity can be used to get the APM Application template to create APM Application.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "templateId": 1

Example Response

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <ArrayOfApplicationTemplate xmlns:i...

How to Import APM Application Template?

ImportTemplate verb on Orion.APM.ApplicationTemplate entity can be used to import APM Application Template.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

templateData expects String input of APM Application template. Can be gotten from the existing APM Application template using ExportTemplate verb on Orion.APM.ApplicationTemplate entity.

    "templateData": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <ArrayOfApplicationTemplate xmlns:i..."

Example Response

Returns netObjetId of new Application Template.

How to create APM Application on a Node?

CreateApplication verb on Orion.APM.Application entity can be used to create APM Application on a Node.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

skipIfDuplicate property should be set to 1 if True, and 0 if False.

applicationSettings is optional. Set to null if no additional settings.

    "nodeId": 1,
    "applicationTemplateId": 2,
    "credentialSetId": 3,
    "skipIfDuplicate": 1,
    "applicationSettings": null

Example Response

Returns applicationId if Application was created and -1 if not.

How to delete APM Application on a Node?

DeleteApplication verb on Orion.APM.Application entity can be used to delete APM Application.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "applicationId": 1

Example Response

Returns null with Status 200 OK.

How to Unmanage APM Application on a Node?

Unmanage verb on Orion.APM.Application entity can be used to unmanage APM Application on a Node.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

Current example is for unmanaging APM Application from today to unspecified time.

    "netObjetId": "AA:1",
    "unmanageTime": "2024-04-17",
    "remanageTime": "9999-01-01",
    "isRelative": 0

Example Response

Returns null with Status 200 OK.

How to Remanage APM Application on a Node?

Remanage verb on Orion.APM.Application entity can be used to remanage APM Application on a Node.

🔴 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "netObjetId": "AA:1"

Example Response

Returns null with Status 200 OK.

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