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A devops infrastructure-as-code management harness

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This project contains documentation and infrastructure as code for our internal devops efforts. The following are instructions on how to prepare your computer to have access to the devops environment that runs on the SOFWERX servers.


Using the Environment

One-time setup:

  • Copy your secring.gpg to ~/.gnupg
  • Export your public key to a file with your email address as the filename: gpg --export --armor > youremailaddress
  • Within SWX: send your public key to one of the Nerd Herd
  • Public keys are stored in the gpg/ folder in the swx-devops GitHub repo, and each server's gpg/ folder is populated from there.
  • git clone [email protected]:sofwerx/swx-devops.git OR git clone

If you wish to ssh into the VM, you will need to configure both the VirtualBox network adapter and the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to allow this. Please see VirtualBox and Debian Linux documentation for futher information.

Initialize Environment

At a shell window or terminal/ssh command line:

export TROUSSEAU_PASSPHRASE='<your gpg passphrase here>'
cd swx-devops
git pull
. ./shell.bash

(The '.' above is critical, you need the shell.bash contents to take effect in your running login shell. Running shell.bash as a script creates a new subshell, and the environment settings will go away when the shell script exits.)

Project Environments

These are the tools and projects that are available in the devops environment.

Non-cloud resources (not exhaustive)

  • Dev - Your local dev environment
  • IBM Minsky - The IBM Minsky box (ppc64le)
  • Orange - Our tranquilpc 8-blade docker swarm server in our Data Science pit
  • swx-vmhost - The pop-os based System76 Silverback server

Cloud based resources

  • Tor-vpin - private tor network deploy for Digital Force Protection Kit

Archived resources

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docker-machine and dm

This project imports docker-machine configs into JSON "dm" objects stored in trousseau.

The swx dm commands interact with these "dm" objects:

swx dm ls
  • This lists the dm file secrets stored in trousseau under file:secrets/dm/*

To source one of the environments, use swx dm env.

To source a specific dm:

swx dm env rcloud-dev-00
  • This acts similar to a eval $(docker-machine env {machinename}).

To create a dm, first install docker on the target system, then create a machine with docker-machine and use swx dm import to export it:

sudo curl -sSL | sh

For Raspberry Pi:

sudo usermod -aG docker pi
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker

Also, edit /etc/os-release and set ID=debian (and then REBOOT)

docker-machine create -d generic \
--generic-ip-address \ 
--generic-ssh-key ${devops}/secrets/ssh/sofwerx \
--generic-ssh-user pi \ 
--engine-storage-driver overlay2 <name>


docker-machine --debug create --driver none --url tcp:// <name>

Create a directory under local/ for the new server, put the docker-machine name into a file called .dm, then in that directory run

swx dm import <name>
swx environment migrate

This should report successful creation of a trousseau data store.

swx dm import <name>

Then git add .trousseau ; git commit to save the newly added dm secret.

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This project models some cloud resources under the aws/ folder.



Install awscli with Homebrew:

brew install awscli

Other Operating Systems

Use Python pip:

pip install awscli

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Choosing between ~/.aws/ and secrets/aws

If you make a secrets/aws folder, your secrets will be stored there, instead of ~/.aws/:

mkdir secrets/aws

The ~/.aws/ folder, or secrets/aws folder, contains two files: config and credentials.

The config file contains awscli configurations. The credentials file contains your AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY credentials.

By default, awscli likes to use the "default" AWS_PROFILE. Our shell.bash assumes using an AWS_PROFILE name of "sofwerx".

This enables you to manage multiple profiles for different AWS credentials under different profiles.

  1. Either create these files with a text editor (they are in an .ini file format internally) as described below or use the following commands:
mkdir secrets/aws
touch secrets/aws/config secrets/aws/credentials
aws configure --profile sofwerx
  1. At the prompt enter:

    AWS Access Key ID [None]: AWS_ACCESS_KEY AWS Secret Access Key [None]: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Default region name [None]: us-east-1 Default output format [None]: json

  2. After entering these, you can examine your updated files:

    $ cat ~/.aws/config secrets/aws/config
    [profile sofwerx]
    $ cat ~/.aws/credentials secrets/aws/credentials

Where the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are the credentials you obtained by creating a key under the AWS console in IAM services for your user account.

  1. After doing this, make sure to restart your shell.bash to pick up these environment variables in your shell.

The AWS documentation for this can be found here.

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Running AWS

To find out what AWS IAM user you are currently using the credentials for:

$ aws iam get-user
    "User": {
        "UserName": "ianblenke",
        "PasswordLastUsed": "2017-10-03T13:51:54Z",
         "CreateDate": "2017-10-03T12:49:28Z",
         "Path": "/",
         "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/ianblenke"


The "glue" of this harness is currently in the .bashrc file.

This will eventually get broken out into a script directory tree as simplicity demands it.


Before running trousseau or any other tools against a project environment, obtain a shell using shell.bash:

icbmbp:swx-devops ianblenke$ ./shell.bash

You will get a prompt that tells you the AWS_PROFILE, SWX_ENVIRONMENT, and DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME variables:

[sofwerx::] icbvtcmbp:swx-devops ianblenke$

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Information about swx

Before attempting swx commands, remember to be in the environment (run shell.bash or

When running under shell.bash, which merely sources the .bashrc here, your primary interaction with this harness is through the swx command.

Implemented as a series of bash functions, the swx command has full tab completion, which makes it easier to interact with the components in this harness.

The swx command also has full usage instructions. Run the commands without arguments, and usage will be shown:

$ swx
  Usage: swx {command}
    dm          - Manage dm (docker-machines)
    environment - Source project-lifecycle environment variables
    gpg         - Interact with your gpg-agent
    secrets     - Deal with secrets/ folder
    ssh         - Attempt to ssh into a dm
    tf          - Run Terraform for a project-lifecycle

This also works for subcommands:

$ swx dm
  Usage: swx dm {action}
    ls     - List dm instances
    env    - Source the environment to interact with a dm instance using docker
    import - Import a docker-machine instance into a dm

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Using trousseau

Make sure you are in a shell.bash or a session.

By default trousseau will use a ~/.trousseau file in your home directory. Using a shell.bash session, the .trousseau file in this project will be used and updated as things are changed. This is essential to contribute the changes back to the git repository for others to use.

  1. After your gpg/<yourname> pull request is merged, get someone else, who is already a trusted trousseau recipient, to add your public key to their keychain and run trousseau add-recipient for your email address:
trousseau add-recipient [email protected]
  1. After this, they need to:
git add .trousseau
git commit -m 'Added [email protected] to recipients'

Now future trousseau operations will also be encrypted for you to be able to see with your gpg key.

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To set a trousseau key:

trousseau set myvariable somevalue

To retrieve the value for a key:

trousseau get myvariable

To delete a key:

trousseau del myvariable

Running trousseau on its own will show the other usable commands.

Use with gpg

The .trousseau file in this project is the actual gpg encrypted contents used to manage our environments. If you fork this repo, you need to remove .trousseau and create a new one with trousseau create {gpg key email or id}.

After your gpg key is added, and you are added as a trousseau reciepient, you will be able to use the trousseau command.

Naming Convention

  • file: prefixed trousseau keys hold base64 encoded values of the content of the files.
  • environment: prefixed trousseau keys hold environment variables for terraform to use


There are two functions and an alias presently defined in the .bashrc to automate the process.

To automatically pull all of the latest trousseau file:secrets/ prefixed files:

swx secrets pull

To decrypt a specific file under secrets:

swx secrets decrypt secrets/ssh/sofwerx

To encrypt a file under secrets:

swx secrets encrypt secrets/ssh/sofwerx

After doing this, you will need to add .trousseau to git and commit your change so that everyone else has access to the updated secrets.

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Using swx

The swx function commands are available when you start a shell.bash session.

Your primary interaction will be through the swx function. Run a command and it will show usage for that command:

$ swx
  Usage: swx {command}
    dm          - Manage dm (docker-machines)
    environment - Source project-lifecycle environment variables
    secrets     - Deal with secrets/ folder
    tf          - Run Terraform for a project-lifecycle
    dc          - Run docker-compose for a project-lifecycle

The swx command also has bash tab completion.

Note, that there is no selected SWX_ENVIRONMENT yet. To select swx-dev, you would use this function:

swx environment switch swx-dev

This could look something like:

[sofwerx::] icbvtcmbp:swx-devops ianblenke$ swx environment switch swx-dev
[sofwerx:swx-dev:] icbvtcmbp:swx-devops ianblenke$

Also note, that there is no selected DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME yet. To select swx-dev, use this function:

swx dm env swx-dev-0

Which could look something like:

[sofwerx:swx-dev:] icbvtcmbp:swx-devops ianblenke$ swx dm env swx-dev
[sofwerx:swx-dev:swx-dev-0] icbvtcmbp:swx-devops ianblenke$

Now you are ready to run any docker-compose commands in the correct folders.

If you are switching between environments, it will ensure that any variables defined in the previous environment are unset before setting the new environment's variables to be used.

Using swx gpg

When using the swx or trousseau commands that require access to the trousseau secrets, the gpg-agent prompts you for a passphrase.

If you enter this passphrase incorrectly, these commands will fail until you "repair" your gpg-agent; which will not prompt you for another passphrase until the ttl expires, which is quite long.

The swx gpg commands are meant to deal with this condition:

  • swx prepare - Prepare your gpg-agent environment
  • swx remember - Remember your passphrase (gpg-agent)
  • swx forget - Forget your passphrase (gpg-agent)
  • swx reset - Reset your gpg-agent

The exact sequence of which command to use depends on the state of your gpg-agent is.

Typically, try a swx forget followed by an swx remember first, and see if the commands work after you enter your passphrase.

If this fails, try a swx reset followed by a swx prepare, which will restart gpg-agent and hopefully let you enter a passphrase the next time you try using an swx or trousseau command that requires access to your trousseau secrets.

The swx environment

In addition to listing (swx environment ls) and switching (swx environment switch ENVIRONMENT), there are a few other swx environment commands for dealing with environment: prefixed trousseau keys that store environment variables for environments:

swx environment keys
swx environment get VARIABLE
swx environment set VARIABLE VALUE
swx environment del VARIABLE

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Use terraform to deploy and converge our cloud resources.

Mac Installation

To install the Hashicorp terraform, install it with HomeBrew:

brew install terraform

Other operating systems

Please refer to the offical documentation.

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Tips for using terraform.

It is very important that we track the same version of terraform between ourselves, and that we upgrade terraform in unison, as resources tend to change between terraform versions. I am presently running the latest terraform: 0.10.7.

Internally, we use an AWS bucket named sofwerx-terraform for the shared .tfstate files. You will see how to set those up in the for each environment.

Instead of using terraform directly, I strongly suggest using the swx tf wrapper instead, as it will ensure that you have the correct environment sourced before running terraform.

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Installation (Docker Container)

Install Docker, git, and gpg on your desktop system.

Clone this repository.

Send one of the Nerd Herd your public key (gpg --export --armor > youremailaddress).

Under swx-devops, create a directory called secrets/gnupg (if it doesn't already exist), and copy the contents of your ~/.gnupg into it.

From the directory you cloned the repo into (swx-devops), run ./

This method does NOT require all of the software installation decribed below

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Installation (Virtual Machine)

(The steps below have already been done on the VirtualBox image distributed within SWX)

As installed on linux VirtualBox (Debian 10 - 4.19 kernel w/ Guest Additions installed)

apt-get install the following packages:

  • build-essentials
  • kernel-headers
  • dkms
  • module-assistant
m-a prepare
apt update
apt upgrade

Install Guest Additions - mount cdrom from VirtualBox menu

Run sudo bash /media/cdrom/

Below may also be needed:

	cd /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-<version>/init
	./vboxadd stop
	./vboxadd setup

Add vboxguest & vboxsf to /etc/modules

Create shared folder in VirtualBox settings, mkdir mount point, add to fstab, mount


Docker Engine

Follow appropriate platform install instructions from


sudo apt-get curl
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker your-user

Docker Machine

base= &&
  curl -L $base/docker-machine-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) >/tmp/docker-machine &&
  sudo mv /tmp/docker-machine /usr/local/bin/docker-machine &&
  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine

Docker Compose

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Other Tools


Should be already installed by this point:

  • gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.12
  • libgcrypt 1.8.4


Download & install binary package from:


sudo apt-get install git

npm & packages

sudo apt-get install npm
sudo apt-get upgrade 

npm install npm@latest -g
npm install @mumbacloud/dmport

SWX DevOps Environment

Clone GitHub Repository

git clone

Set Up Environment

cd swx-devops
npm install

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Installation (The Long Way)

Disregard these installation instructions if using Docker container or VM installation

There are a number of tools that will need to be installed:

The easiest way to gain access to the devops environment is by using Docker. This project uses Docker heavily. You will find docker-compose.yml files in the environment directories.

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HomeBrew makes it easy to update:

brew install docker docker-machine docker-compose docker-machine-driver-xhyve

For more information see: Docker for Mac.

Other Operating Systems

Please refer to these links for the most up-to-date installation instructions for Docker:

After Docker installation

  1. Clone the devops repository.

    • For guidance on cloning a repository click here.
  2. Add user to docker group Run sudo usermod -aG docker <username> .

  3. Run ./ in the new swx-devops directory.

  4. Verify that you are in the devops environment by typing swx .

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Only use if Docker is not applicable.


  1. Install Vagrant and install a local virtual machine (VM).

  2. There is a Vagrantfile that prepares a Ubuntu environment using the ./dependencies/ script:

    vagrant up
    vagrant ssh


For Windows, you need to install Windows Subsystem for Linux.

On 64-bit Windows 10 Anniversary Update or later (build 1607+)

Please refer to the documentation below for the most up-to-date instructions:

This runs Linux binaries natively without having to run a VM for a Linux kernel.

  1. Enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux:

    Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
  2. After selecting Ubuntu as your favorite Linux distribution, and following the prompts and rebooting, open a Command Prompt and run bash:

    C:\> bash
  3. Now you can cd into the directory where you cloned this git repository, and run:

    bash$ ./dependencies/

Note: Windows Subsystem for Linux:

  • It is not possible to run a Linux docker-engine without a Linux kernel.
  • You are installing docker-engine natively on Windows so that you have a local Hyper-V Linux VM to run that kernel.
  1. Once you install a local docker-engine with volume share access to this working directory, then you can proceed. The key here is having a local docker-engine installed that has volume mount access to this directory.

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This git repository stores the secrets for the above Project Environments in the .trousseau file in this git repository.

This file is gpg encrypted using trousseau. To use these secrets, you will need to have your gpg public key listed in the gpg/ folder.

The secrets/ folder is in .gitignore for a reason: this holds unencrypted files that contain credentials.

No files under secrets/ should ever be committed to this git repo. Any secrets will be pulled out of trousseau by the swx commands as necessary.

With Docker

If using Docker, just make the secrets/gnupg in the repo directory and run ./

Manual (if not using Docker)


You need a gnupg key for trousseau below.

The reason for gnupg 2.0 is trousseau reads directly from pubring.gpg, and is no longer supported in gnupg 2.1 and newer.


There is a gpg built-in to MacOS in /usr/bin/gpg, and that is incompatible with trousseau.

  1. Install gpg v2.0 to /usr/local/bin (until we can submit a PR to fix this in trousseau).
  • If you happened to brew install gnupg already, just unlink first.

    brew unlink gnupg
  1. To install the gpg command on a Mac, install [email protected] with HomeBrew:

    brew install [email protected]
    brew link --force [email protected]
  • If you also install pinentry, you will get a nice pop-up dialog box for your gpg passphrase:

    brew install pinentry

Ubuntu 16.04

Try running:


That should install the correct versions of all of your dependencies.

Other Operating Systems

For general compatiblity and ease of developer station convergence, this project has a Vagrantfile that defines a Vagrant machine to run an Ubuntu virtual machine and install the dependencies.

Install Vagrant for your operating system.

The biggest challenge managing Vagrant persistence will be syncing or sharing a folder between your host and the virtual machine. This differs based on the virtual machine engine you use with Vagrant (VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation, VMWare Fusion, Parallels, xhyve, etc).

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GPG Configuration

  1. Run the shell.bash or to enter the environment:

    ./shell.bash OR ./

This prepares your gnupg keychain and environment.

GPG Verification and Key Creation

The correct version is critical to running the program. If your keys are not configured correctly, problems will arise.


To verify the correct version of gpg was installed

gpg --version

The version should be 2.0, nothing higher.

After installing gnupg

  1. Generate a private/public keypair
gpg --gen-key
  1. While the prompt is for 2048 bits, use 4096 instead.

    • If your gpg does not prompt you for the number of bits, then you're using a gnupg newer than 2.0 which will not work with trousseau.
  2. Move your keychain to the secrets/gnupg directory:

    mv ~/.gnupg secrets/gnupg

Note: While you can use the default ~/.gnupg config folder, it is recommended to create a secrets/gnupg directory to keep your keychain local to this repo directory.

  1. After doing this, please export your public key into this repo under the gpg/ folder with a Github Pull-Request so that everyone has access to it.

    gpg --export --armor > gpg/<yourname>
    git add gpg/<yourname>
    git commit -m 'adding gpg/<yourname> public key'
    git push
  • The convention in this repository is that the filename must be your email address, to make trousseau management easier.

  • You can import all of our public keys at any time by running:

    cat gpg/* | gpg --import
  1. Best practice is to publish your gnupg public key on some of the public key servers as well, but that's not important so long as we have access to your public key in the repository.

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Trousseau uses gnupg to encrypt a JSON file for a number of administrators that stores "key=value" secrets.

Trousseau can use various cloud storage platforms to share these encrypted secrets between administrators.

The result of any trousseau commands will alter the .trousseau file in the current project. This file is under git management, and is entirely safe as the contents of the file are encrypted. This is far easier than dealing with a shared s3 bucket or other shared repository.

Installing trousseau

  1. To install the trousseau command, download pre-built binaries from the releases page.

  2. To build from the Go source follow these build instructions:

    mkdir ~/go/bin
    export GOPATH=~/go
    export PATH=~/go/bin:$PATH
    go get
    go get
    go get
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    cp $GOPATH/go/bin/trousseau/usr/local/bin/trousseau
  3. To build from the Go source using the swx command follow these steps from your swx-devops clone directory:

    $ ./shell.bash
    $ swx secrets install

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A devops infrastructure-as-code management harness






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