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TAK Server Plugin 0.8

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@keithwilliams324 keithwilliams324 released this 06 Apr 20:22
· 5 commits to main since this release

TAK Server Plugin for MCS COP

What's New

  • Reverted Default topic for events to "demo_events"
  • Changed CoT Type for events to "a-u" to ensure ATAK default compatibility


TAK Server 4.1 (See TAK_Server_Configuration_Guide.pdf for installation instructions)

Installers available here:


Plugin Types

Class Type Function
McsSenderPlugin MessageSenderBase Sends messages received from MCS COP (RabbitMQ and eventually Kafka) to TAK Server (and clients, federates and other plugins), using the TAK proto messaging format.
McsLoggerReceiverPlugin MessageReceiverBase Receives CoT messages from TAK Server and sends them to the MCS COP RabbitMQ Instance

Plugin Configuration

Plugin (.jar) is copied to the /opt/tak/lib
Plugin options can be set in a customized in a YAML configuration file that is specific to each plugin. Plugin configuration files are copied to /opt/tak/conf/plugins.

Misc Items

To keep logging down to a minimum both McsSenderPlugin and McsLoggerReceiverPlugin have a verboseLogging field in their respective .yaml options

Restart TAK Server to reload plugins and options.

sudo systemctl restart takserver

View plugin manager UI to see plugins loaded. This requires a client cert configured for admin access (see TAK Server configuration guide for information.)


connect a local netcat client to see messages generated by sample sender plugin (unsecure input on port 8088 must be enabled - not for production use)

nc localhost 8088