TAK Server Plugin 0.5
Pre-releaseTAK Server Plugin for MCS COP
What's New
- Added support for __Video Tag for better ATAK Video support from MCS Entities
- Added preferences to enable/disable topic listening for entities and events
TAK Server 4.1 (See TAK_Server_Configuration_Guide.pdf for installation instructions)
Installers available here:
Plugin Types
Class | Type | Function |
McsSenderPlugin | MessageSenderBase | Sends messages received from MCS COP (RabbitMQ and eventually Kafka) to TAK Server (and clients, federates and other plugins), using the TAK proto messaging format. |
McsLoggerReceiverPlugin | MessageReceiverBase | Receives CoT messages from TAK Server and sends them to the MCS COP RabbitMQ Instance |
Plugin Configuration
Plugin (.jar) is copied to the /opt/tak/lib
Plugin options can be set in a customized in a YAML configuration file that is specific to each plugin. Plugin configuration files are copied to /opt/tak/conf/plugins
Misc Items
To keep logging down to a minimum both McsSenderPlugin
and McsLoggerReceiverPlugin
have a verboseLogging
field in their respective .yaml options
Restart TAK Server to reload plugins and options.
sudo systemctl restart takserver
View plugin manager UI to see plugins loaded. This requires a client cert configured for admin access (see TAK Server configuration guide for information.)
connect a local netcat client to see messages generated by sample sender plugin (unsecure input on port 8088 must be enabled - not for production use)
nc localhost 8088