1.0.0 (2022-10-05)
node: node versions 12, 17 are no longer supported.
node: node < 12 || ^13 || ^15 are no longer
ampm: add amPm formatter (a5b4ce3 )
day: add day formatter (4dd35fa )
day2: add day2 formatter (e40e899 )
dayofweek: add dayOfWeek formatter (b356220 )
devicelocaliso8601: add deviceLocalIso8601 formatter (7664466 )
devicelocaltimestamptemplate: add deviceLocalTimestampTemplate function (234ae85 )
floorseconds: add floorSeconds formatter (d87aa74 )
floorseconds2: add floorSeconds2 formatter (983ba5c )
hours: add hours formatter (4a2d2dd )
hours12: add hours12 formatter (faa4d67 )
hours122: add hours122 formatter (8dc075a )
hours2: add hours2 formatter (1053977 )
iso8601: add iso8601 formatter (44237e1 )
minutes: add minutes formatter (7c8e980 )
minutes2: add minutes2 formatter (de7fadf )
month: add month formatter (49e756a )
month2: add month2 formatter (c2c801f )
monthname: add monthName formatter (4390d21 )
node: drop support for node < 12 || ^13 || ^15 (3310bb6 )
node: drop support for node 12, 17 (274e3af )
seconds: add seconds formatter (3affd13 )
seconds2: add seconds2 formatter (d6ecacb )
secondsms: add secondsMs formatter (648ea2e )
shortyear: add shortYear formatter (22717bf )
timestampformatter: add TimestampFormatter type (2fca6bd )
timestamptemplate: add timestampTemplate function (8985056 )
year: add year formatter (ff4ce3b )
year4: add year4 formatter (b301052 )
Bug Fixes
deps: depend on release version of @softwareventures/format-date (3cc3342 )
deps: depend on release version of @softwareventures/timestamp (ae697dd )
deps: update dependency @softwareventures/array to v4 (c0a4cbd )
deps: update dependency @softwareventures/array to v5 (#42 ) (69ad43c )
You can’t perform that action at this time.