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acts_as_audited_collection is a Rails plugin, which extends ActiveRecord to allow auditing of associations.

The basic feature set is:

  • Tracking addition of child records to an association
  • Tracking removal of child records
  • Tracking a child record being reassociated with a new parent, as a remove followed by an add
  • (Optionally) tracking any children which are modified
  • (Optionally) tracking when a grandchild is modified by cascading through associations


This plugin is released under the MIT license, and was contributed to the Rails community by the good people at Software Projects.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'acts_as_audited_collection'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install acts_as_audited_collection

Generating the migration

script/generate audited_collection_migration add_collection_audits_table
rake db:migrate


Specify the version you're upgrading from as a parameter.

rails generate audited_collect_migration upgrade_collection_audits_table 0.4.0
rake db:migrate


Declare an association that looks like:

class Employer < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :people
  acts_as_audited_collection_parent :for => :people

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :employer
  acts_as_audited_collection :parent => :employer

When a record is created

Person.create :name => 'Fred', :employer => nil   # No audit record

e = Employer.create :name => 'Foo Inc.'           # No audit record
Person.create :name => 'Mary', :employer => e     # Audit record is created

e.people_audits.last.action                       # 'add'
e.people_audits.last.parent_record                # Employer name: 'Foo Inc.'
e.people_audits.last.child_record                 # Person name: 'Mary'

Tracking removal

e.people.create :name => 'Bob'                    # Audit record is created

e.people.last.destroy                             # Audit record is created

e.people_audits.last.action                       # 'remove'
e.people_audits.last.parent_record                # Employer name: 'Foo Inc.'
e.people_audits.last.child_record                 # nil   (record was destroyed)
e.people_audits.last.child_record_id              # 3    (for example)
e.people_audits.last.child_record_type            # 'Person'

Tracking reassociation

p = Person.first                                  # Person name: 'Fred'
p.update_attributes :employer => e                # Audit record is created

e.people_audits.last.action                       # 'add'

e2 = Employer.create :name => 'Bar Ltd.'          # No audit record
p.update_attributes :employer => e2               # Two audit records!

e.people_audits.last.action                       # 'remove'
e2.people_audits.last.action                      # 'add'

p.update_attributes :employer => e                # Changing it back for the sake of my own sanity.

Tracking modification of unrelated attributes

Consider the following alternative "Person" model.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :employer
  acts_as_audited_collection :parent => :employer,
      :track_modifications => true

With this, we can now see modifications from the parent (though we make no attempt to ascertain what the modifications were - if you need this, see acts_as_audited)

p = Person.first                                  # Person name: 'Fred'
p.update_attributes :name => 'Freda'              # Audit record is created

e.people_audits.last.action                       # 'modify'
e.people_audits.last.child_record                 # Person name: 'Freda'

Tracking deep changes to the model hierarchy

Consider now that a Person might have any number of hobbies.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :employer
  has_many :hobbies

  acts_as_audited_collection :parent => :employer,
      :track_modifications => true

  acts_as_audited_collection_parent :for => :hobbies

class Hobby < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :person

  acts_as_audited_collection :parent => :person,
      :cascade => true  # Cascades audit events to the parent

The :cascade => true option specifies that the audit event in the child record should cascade upward, marking the parent as modified, and therefore generating a 'modify' audit record in any grandparent for which :track_modifications => true has been specified..

p = Person.first                                  # Person name: 'Freda'
p.hobbies.create :name => 'Model Trains'          # Two audit records created.

p.hobbies_audits.last.action                      # 'add'
e.people_audits.last.action                       # 'modify'
e.people_audits.last.child_record                 # Person name: 'Freda'
e.people_audits.last.parent_record                # Employer name: 'Foo Inc.'

Temporarily disabling auditing

Person.without_collection_audit do
  p.update_attributes :name => 'Fred'             # No audit record

Keep in mind that this disables collection auditing completely in the current thread, not just for the Person model.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Extends ActiveRecord to allow auditing of associations







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