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How to for those new to github (from Dan)

David Sand edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 1 revision

For people not familiar with github, here are some tips on how to use it. Navigate to Create an account and take note of your username you use Send me (Dan Avner [email protected]) an email of your username. You could also contact Dave Sand and he will add you The main organization we will be using is Steward Observatory- 90Prime. I will add you to the 90prime organization when you send me an email of your username.

This is where all the repositories will exist. A repository (aka repo) contains code for a specific application. For example, a repo will be used for the controller code, a different repo will be used for the website for the 90prime overhaul, and another repo will be for the GUIs for users and engineerings. Currently, there are two repos in the 90prime organization.

Each repo has its own issues to track. If you select this repo,, you will see a tab called Issues with a number next to it. That is how many issues have been raised with that repo. This repo is the general repo, not really pertaining to a specific topic but more of catch all repo for all hardware issues. In general, github is not used for hardware issues, but since it has a great issue tracker we are trying it out. is the url for the issue section for the general 90prime repo. If you look at that url, so-90prime is the organization, 90prime is the general repo.

To create an issue: Navigate to the issues tab for the appropriate repo Click on the green New Issue button Fill out the title field Fill out the comment field, this is where you describe the issue and as much information or background you can supply. If you want, you can assign who to work on that issue or who you want help from (can only do this if part of the organization). Click on the "assignees" gear icon to do this. You can click on "Labels" gear icon to assign labels like "help wanted", "software", "hardware", "question" etc. When done, click "Submit new issue". To comment on an issue: Navigate to the issue you want to comment on. Such as this one for filters wheel issues You will see that Dave Sand posted this issue, he assigned it to himself and me, and attached labels "hardware, help wanted, question, and software") You will see "leave a comment" at the bottom of daves issue post, here is where you can add your own solution or contribute more to the issue. When finished, click "Comment". There is a lot more you can do with github, such as having a wiki, project boards, and collaborate on code. It offers easy version control for code development.

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