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Circuit Breaker Spring Boot Example

Table of Contents


Deploying application on OpenShift using Dekorate

  • For the Greeting Service:
./mvnw clean verify -pl greeting-service -Popenshift -Ddekorate.deploy=true
  • For the Name Service:
./mvnw clean verify -pl name-service -Popenshift -Ddekorate.deploy=true

Deploying application on OpenShift using Helm

First, make sure you have installed the Helm command line and connected/logged to a kubernetes cluster.

Then, you need to install the example by doing:

helm install circuit-breaker ./helm --set name-service.route.expose=true --set name-service.s2i.source.repo= --set name-service.s2i.source.ref=<branch-to-use> --set greeting-service.route.expose=true --set greeting-service.s2i.source.repo= --set greeting-service.s2i.source.ref=<branch-to-use>

note: Replace <branch-to-use> with one branch from

And to uninstall the chart, execute:

helm uninstall circuit-breaker

Deploying application on Kubernetes using Helm


You need to install the example by doing:

helm install circuit-breaker ./helm -n <k8s namespace> --set<your k8s domain> --set<your k8s domain>

And to uninstall the chart, execute:

helm uninstall circuit-breaker

Running Tests on OpenShift using Dekorate


Running Tests on OpenShift using S2i from Source


This script can take 2 parameters referring to the repository and the branch to use to source the images from.

./ "" branch-to-test

Running Tests on OpenShift using Helm


This script can take 2 parameters referring to the repository and the branch to use to source the images from.

./ "" branch-to-test

Running Tests on Kubernetes using Helm

First, you need to create the k8s namespace:

kubectl create namespace <the k8s namespace>

Then, run the tests by specifying the container registry and the kubernetes namespace:

./ <your container registry: for example ""> <the k8s namespace>

For example:

./ "" "myNamespace"

Test the service

Maven Test

This service can be tested using the following Maven task.

$ mvn clean verify

Manual Test

$ oc get route
NAME                                   HOST/PORT                                                                                                                                      PATH   SERVICES                               PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
greeting                                                           greeting                               8080                 None
spring-boot-circuit-breaker-greeting          spring-boot-circuit-breaker-greeting   8080                 None
spring-boot-circuit-breaker-name              spring-boot-circuit-breaker-name       8080                 None

Check the name-service state.

$ curl

Call the name-service name service on OK state.

$ curl

Set the service status to FAIL using GET.

$ curl ""

Call the name-service name service on fail state.

$ curl -v
< HTTP/1.1 500
Name service down

Set the service status to OK using PUT.

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"state":"ok"}' ""

Call the greeting service having the name service OK.

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"state":"ok"}' ""
{"content":"Hello, World!"}

Set the service status to FAIL using PUT.

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"state":"fail"}' ""

Call the greeting service having the name service OK.

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"state":"ok"}' ""
{"content":"Hello, Fallback!"}