A free, reliable and easy-to-use cipher to encrypt and decrypt strings
You need to encrypt some data to increase your cybersecurity level
use SecureCipher\Service\SecureCipher;
$baseKey = "test1"; // You can set a system base key to encrypt all data
$userKey = "test1uk"; // You can customize encryption by user with a personal userkey
$sc = new SecureCipher($baseKey);
$data = "ForzaNapoli"; // This is the original string you want to encrypt
$encryptedData = $sc->encrypt($data, $userKey); // This is the string you will save on persistence
$retrievedData = $sc->decrypt($encryptedData, $userKey); // To decrypt a string you need to provide user personal key
// $encryptedData === $retrievedData // true
## Cipher Method enumeration.
The default value is AES_256_CBC, but you can select another one with CipherMethod enumeration instances
use SecureCipher\Service\SecureCipher;
use SecureCipher\Enum\CipherMethod;
$encryptedData = $sc->encrypt($data, $userKey, CipherMethod::AES_128_CBC); // You can select another cipher method from Enum\CipherMethod
$retrievedData = $sc->decrypt($encryptedData, $userKey, CipherMethod::AES_128_CBC); // Cipher method must be the same for encryption and decryption