Ever felt tired of the clutter you made on your desktop by opening apps after apps? Well here's a good solution to keep your workspace clean. Use Workspace Manager to create workspaces, keep your desktop orgranized.
** Supported OS: Windows 11. **
Make sure to rename your desktop to something other than ("Default Destkop") to something like, VS Code, Output, Music, etc.
1) Add a toggle switch for turning on and off animations. (done) 2) Add a toggle switch for showing labels or not.3) Add a toggle switch for turning on and off theme.
4) Add a hotkey
5) Add a elgato type menu/software for macro tasks.
6) Add OBS support.
7) OS command to switch between desktops from the terminal itself.
- Animations
- Numbered desktops along with names for faster switching
- Theme options
- Keyboard shortcuts.
- A elgato type of menu which can help u set macros that can be turned on or off with a keyboard shortcut.
- Add obs support
- OS command to switch between desktops.
Customization power for all, and updates.
A great thanks to @JariPennanen https://github.com/Ciantic for the dll, and his project VirtualDesktopAccessor written in Rust.