This template can be used to create SNAP based notebooks to be demoed or exploited on Binder.
Create a file named environment.yml
with the additional conda dependencies:
Below an example
- conda-forge
- <your conda package>
Edit the file .binder/Dockerfile
and add the additional tools with apt
FROM terradue/docker-snap-binder:latest
USER root
# install additional packages here
RUN apt-get install tree
USER jovyan
COPY --chown=jovyan:jovyan . /home/jovyan
RUN test -f ${HOME}/environment.yml && mamba env update -p /srv/conda/envs/env_snap -f ${HOME}/environment.yml && \
test -f ${HOME}/postBuild && chmod +x ${HOME}/postBuild && ${HOME}/postBuild || exit 0
SNAP modules can be updated or installed in a postBuild
bash script.
Below an example:
export PREFIX=/srv/conda/envs/env_snap
( cmdpid=$BASHPID; (sleep 60; kill $cmdpid) & exec $PREFIX/snap/bin/snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --update org.esa.snap.snap.ndvi )
You can test the docker image before pushing your changes to GitHub with:
docker build -f .binder/Dockerfile -t img-test .
And once built, do:
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD:/home/jovyan img-test:latest jupyter lab --port=8888 --ip= --NotebookApp.token='' --no-browser
And open a browser tab at
Now delete everything above and create your README here. Don't forget to update the Binder URL