Wizardry Proving Grounds v3.1 - Editing and Compiling WIZARDRY.CODE and SYSTEM.STARTUP - Apple II - UCSD Pascal 1.1
First, I'd like to start with an acknowledgment. The baseline for this project's code is the re-engineered Pascal source code (and assembler code) from the Wizardry_I program by Thomas William Ewers. This project would not exist without it. I am forever grateful for his work.
More than forty years after the last public release of Wizardry Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord for the Apple II platform, Wizardry Proving Grounds v3.1 is released!
More than 100 database and code fixes, and enhancements, have been done in Wizardry Proving Grounds v3.1.
You can find more details and downloads at https://www.zimlab.com/wizardry
Here are only a few of the game play enhancements:
Camp, Gilgamesh's, Boltac's, Adventurer's Inn : Pool and divide gold between party members.
Castle : Removed password prompts.
Ninja : The requirements to change class to ninja are now 15 in all attributes instead of 17.
Ninja : Base bare hands damage increased from 2d4 to 2d8.
Ninja : Unarmed Armor Class improved from 1 point every 3 levels, to 1 point every level.
Ninja : Unarmed Combat Initiative Bonus of 1 point (10%) for every 3 levels.
Combat : Display hit probability for characters and monsters.
Combat : Display spells cast by both monsters and players.
Combat : Display silenced characters in the status window.
Combat : No more spell casting during the surprise round for both monsters and players.
Combat : Monsters drain your character only once per combat.
Combat : You can repeat the last spell cast using your keyboard's up arrow in the ProDOS version (Qkumba qol improvement)
Spells : Haman and Mahaman now have 7 effects.
Spells : Latumapic now works.
Spells : Loktofeit now has a similar success chance as in Wizardry III (65 + character level %).
Spells : Manifo now works with similar success as Katino.
Inventory : No more micro-managing inventory to make space for treasure drops.
Camp : On the fly update of your characters' Gold, Hit Points, Status.
Chest Traps : Bug fix where the chest traps are now working as intended.
Maze : Easter egg and specials encounters re-enabled.