Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Sebastian Molina
[email protected]
Every assignment in this repository will be submitted as a Pluto.jl
notebook. For offline exploration, you must:
- Download the notebook.
- Install Julia. (https://julialang.org/)
- Run Julia and from the Julia command line install the
package as follows:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("Pluto")
- Run Pluto from the Julia command line.
julia> using Pluto
julia> Pluto.run()
A local server will automatically open in your default browser, similar to Jupyter Notebook. Open the notebook from the search bar.
The notebook will automatically install all the libraries used in the notebook, in an independent environment!
Alternatively, you can use the following links to a Binder repository, where you can run the notebook online. It takes from 2 to 8 minutes to load.