# Multichat: Peer-to-Peer Minimal Chat Application
This project is a minimal, browser-based peer-to-peer chat application built using the [PeerJS library](https://peerjs.com/). It supports multiple users connecting and chatting in real-time, with a basic acknowledgment mechanism for message delivery.
## Features
- **Peer-to-Peer Connections:** Users connect directly using PeerJS.
- **Dynamic Chat Rooms:** Automatically connects new users to all existing participants.
- **Message Acknowledgment:** Ensures reliable message delivery using acknowledgments and retries.
- **Browser-Only Application:** No server backend required, runs entirely in the browser.
- **User-Friendly Interface:** Easy login, connection, and messaging.
## Usage
### 1. Clone or Download the Project
Download the HTML file or clone the repository if hosted on a version control platform.
### 2. Prerequisites
- A modern browser with JavaScript enabled.
- Access to the internet for loading the PeerJS library.
### 3. Run the Application
Open the HTML file in any browser to launch the app.
## How It Works
### **Login**
1. Enter your username in the `Login` section.
2. Click **Login** to join the chat.
3. Your username is saved in the browser for the session.
### **Connecting to Other Users**
1. Enter another user's username in the **Connect to User** input box.
2. Click **Connect** to establish a peer-to-peer connection.
The system automatically:
- Maps usernames to unique PeerJS IDs.
- Maintains a list of connected users.
- Broadcasts new connections to all existing peers, ensuring everyone is in the same chat room.
### **Messaging**
1. Type a message in the input box under the **Chat** section.
2. Click **Send** to broadcast your message to all connected users.
### **Message Acknowledgment and Reliability**
- Each message has a unique SHA-256 hash.
- Peers send acknowledgment messages (ACK) for received messages.
- Unacknowledged messages are retried up to 10 times, with a 5-second interval between retries.
- If retries fail, the connection is re-established, and the message is re-sent.
## Code Highlights
### **Peer Management**
- **Peer ID Conversion:**
const appPrefix = "p2p-multichat-test-";
function getPeerId(username) {
return appPrefix + username;
function getUsername(peerId) {
return peerId ? peerId.slice(appPrefix.length) : "";
- Connection Management:
- Adding/Removing connections:
function addConnection(conn) { connections[conn.peer] = conn; updatePeerIds(); } function removeConnection(conn) { delete connections[conn.peer]; updatePeerIds(); }
- Adding/Removing connections:
Hash Generation for Messages:
async function sha256(message) { const msgBuffer = new TextEncoder().encode(message); const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgBuffer); return Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)) .map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')) .join(''); }
Sending Messages with Retries:
const ACK_TIMEOUT = 5000; const MAX_RETRIES = 10; const sendWithRetry = (conn, retriesLeft) => { conn.send({ type: "chat", chat }); pendingAcks[messageHash] = { /* Retry Logic */ }; };
Receiving Messages:
function receiveChat(chat) { chats[chat.hash] = chat; document.getElementById('chatbox').innerHTML = Object.keys(chats) .map(key => `<p>${chat.sender} : ${chat.message}</p>`) .join(''); }
- Requires manual user connection.
- No encryption beyond SHA-256 for message acknowledgment.
- Not suitable for highly scalable use cases.
- Automatic user discovery using signaling servers.
- Enhanced security with end-to-end encryption.
- Persistent storage for chat history.
- Improved UI/UX for better user interaction.
This project uses the PeerJS library for seamless WebRTC integration.