Welcome to the GitHub for mineral rights lease templates. Oil and gas leases are complicated documents, and it is our hope that the templates provided here will provide mineral rights holders a starting point in their negotiations with producers.
We welcome contributions in the form of issues or pull requests. Please help make these templates better!
This site's maintainers and contributers do not assume any responsibility for any consequence of using these documents. These documents have been prepared for informational purposes and is not intended to (a) constitute legal advice, (b) create an attorney-client relationship, or (c) be advertising or a solicitation of any type. Each situation is highly fact specific and requires a knowledge of both state and federal laws and therefore any party should seek legal advice from a licensed attorney in the relevant jurisdictions. The maintainers and contributers expressly disclaim any and all liability with respect to actions or omissions based on this website. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.