An Ansible based operator to run and manage the deployment of the IBM Spectrum Scale CSI Driver
This project was originally generated using operator-sdk.
WARNING : This repository undergoing active development! If you encounter issues with any of the following instructions, please open an issue.
WARNING : This repository needs to be accessible in your
. In the development environment this was set to/root/go
, however this is at the discretion of the user.
Due to constraints in golang (relative paths are not supported in golang) you MUST clone this repository to the IBM directory in your go path. If this is not done, the operator-sdk
build operation will fail.
# Set up some helpful variables
export GOPATH=<your-go-path>
export IBM_DIR="$GOPATH/src/"
export OPERATOR_DIR="$IBM_DIR/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator"
# Ensure the dir is present then clone.
mkdir -p ${IBM_DIR}
cd ${IBM_DIR}
git clone
If you are working out of a forked copy you can change your origin to match:
git remote set-url origin <forked git repo>
git remote add upstream [email protected]:IBM/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator.git
git pull origin
The development environment dependencies are managed using an ansible playbook for the IBM Spectrum Scale CSI Operator. If ansible is installed in your environment simply run the following command:
ansible-playbook $GOPATH/src/
This script will do the following:
- Install
- Install
requirements (sphinx
) - Install
- Ensure
is installed.
To build the image the user must navigate to the operator directory (This directory structure is an artifact of the IBM Cloud Pak certification process).
cd stable/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator-bundle/operators/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator
export GO111MODULE="on"
operator-sdk build csi-scale-operator
docker tag csi-scale-operator
NOTE If you're using the quay image, this step can be skipped.
In order to use the image in your environment you will need to push the image to a docker registry. You may setup your own image, or push to a repository such as
Deploying your own registry is an involved process, and outside of the scope of this document.
If you're using quay, we recommend doing the Quay Tutorial.
Once you have a repository ready and you've logged you can tag and push your image:
docker tag csi-scale-operator <your-repo>/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator:v0.0.1
docker push <your-repo>/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator:v0.0.1
# This will update your deployment to point at your image.
hacks/ -i <your-repo>/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator:v0.0.1
WARNING If you are using your own image you must, complete (#using-the-image)!
If you've built the image as outlined above and tagged it, you can easily run the following to deploy the operator manually:
kubectl apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/ibm_v1alpha1_csiscaleoperator_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/operator.yaml
At this point the operator is running and ready for use!
NOTE : This will be the prefered method, however, work is ongoing.
The following will subsrcibe the version of the operator assuming OLM is installed.
kubectl apply -f deploy/olm-test/operator-source.yaml
Once the operator is running the user needs to access the operator's API and request a deployment. This is done through
use of the CSIScaleOperator
Custom Resource. This resource will be tuned to your environment. A sample of the file is given:
# spectrum_scale.yaml
kind: 'CSIScaleOperator'
name: 'csi-scale-operator'
status: {}
# Optional
# ----
# Attacher image for csi (actually attaches to the storage).
attacher: ""
# Provisioner image for csi (actually issues provision requests).
# Sidecar container image for the csi spectrum scale plugin pods.
driverRegistrar: ""
# Image name for the csi spectrum scale plugin container.
spectrumScale: ""
# ----
# Required
# ----
# The path to the gpfs file system mounted on the host machine.
scaleHostpath: "/ibm/fs1"
# A collection of gpfs cluster properties for the csi driver to mount.
# The cluster id of the gpfs cluster specified (mandatory).
- id: "2120508922778391120"
# A string specifying a secret resource name.
secrets: "secret1"
# Require a secure SSL connection to connect to GPFS.
secureSslMode: false
# A string specifying a cacert resource name.
# cacert: <>
# The primary file system for the GPFS cluster
# The name of the primary filesystem.
primaryFS: "fs1"
# The name of the primary fileset, created in primaryFS.
primaryFset: "csiFset2"
# A collection of targets for REST calls.
# The hostname of the REST server.
- guiHost: "GUI_HOST"
# The port number running the REST server.
# guiPort
# ----
NOTE : Work is ongoing to reduce the amount end users need to populate.
To acutally start the CSI Plugin run the following command
kubectl apply -f spectrum_scale.yaml
To stop the CSI plugin you can run:
kubectl delete -f spectrum_scale.yaml
To remove the operator:
kubectl delete -f deploy/spectrum_scale.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/operator.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/crds/ibm_v1alpha1_csiscaleoperator_crd.yaml
Please note, this will completely destroy the operator and all associated resources.