The purpose of this demo is to investigate scalability of CPU intencive application in Cloud Foundry environment.
fib-java is a simple Java Servlet that calculates N-th Fibonacci number. The calculation uses CPU intencive algorythm.
The Git repository includes
- source code;
- Maven build script;
- precompiled war file; and
- Cloud Foundry deployment manifest
- Update manifest.yml. Replace fib-java with a unique application name to avoid URL naming collisions.
- Use cf tool to deploy the app.
cf push
Without any additional parameters the servlet returns 40-th Fibonacci number in HTML page. Open application url in a browser to see the result:
Fibonacci number 40 is 102334155
The application accepts one parameter "n" for N-th Fibonacci number. THe default value is 40. Example: to get 30-th number use
Run basic Apache benchmarking test
ab -n 40 -c 8
Scale up the application and repeat the same test. Compare mean time per request between tests with different scaling factors.
cf scale fib-java -i 8
Run Maven package
mvn package