In order to improve your router skills you can create a workspace by cloning this repository.
After open new workspace you could find examples in the ./scripts/routes
folder and you should apply this instructions to run examples.
Select an URL
- /example/replace/pages/page1 - Replace action examples
- /example/btb - BottomTabBarRouter examples
- /example/modal - Modal pages examples
- /example/backto - Back to page examples
and replace push function's URL to run example.
- Clone to workspace root
- Run
cd scripts && yarn
- Run on Device
____ _ __ _
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Hey fellow developer, thank you for using Smartface Cloud!
Developing native apps for iOS and Android is as easy as a few lines of JavaScript code.
Start coding right away and to view your app instantly on a real device, just click the Run on Device button and follow the instructions.
You can also update your native apps remotely and manage their lifecycle end-to-end, fully in the cloud.
Welcome to the world of mobility! Smartface Team.