Welcome to small-hack/peertube-helm-chart, which uses the chocobozzz/peertube docker container.
This is a helm chart for PeerTube for use with Argo CD. For an example of intended use please see small-hack/argocd-apps:peertube.
This chart is a work-in-progress and is not suitable for general use at this time - see the open issues for further information.
Installation via helm
helm repo add peertube https://small-hack.github.io/peertube-helm-chart/
helm install peertube/peertube --generate-name
- Sets up an initial admin user
- support for existing Kubernetes Secrets for all your credentials
- bundled subcharts for both PostgreSQL and Valkey
- support for existing PostgreSQL database
- support for existing Valkey (or Redis) database
- docs auto-generated by helm-docs
- kept up to date by RenovateBot